On the kinematics-wave motion of living particles in suspension.

Biomicrofluidics | , Vol 11(4): pp. 044112-044112

Publication | Publication | Publication

This work presents theoretical and experimental analyses on the kinematics-wave motion of suspended active particles in a biological fluid. The fluid is an active suspension of nematodes immersed in a gel-like biological structure, moving at a low Reynolds number. The nematode chosen for the study is Caenorhabditis elegans. Its motion is subjected to the time reversibility of creeping flows. We investigate how this worm reacts to this reversibility condition in order to break the flow symmetry and move in the surrounding fluid. We show that the relationship between the length of an individual nematode and the wavelength of its motion is linear and can be fitted by a theoretical prediction proposed in this work. We provide a deep discussion regarding the propulsion mechanics based on a scaling analysis that identifies three major forces acting on an individual nematode. These forces are a viscous force, a yield stress force due to gelification of agar molecules in the gel-like medium, and a bending force a…