The Demikernel Datapath OS Architecture for Microsecond-scale Datacenter Systems

Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP '21) |

Published by ACM


Datacenter systems and I/O devices now run at single-digit microsecond latencies, requiring ns-scale operating systems. Traditional kernel-based operating systems impose an unaffordable overhead, so recent kernel-bypass OSes [73] and libraries [23] eliminate the OS kernel from the I/O datapath. However, none of these systems offer a general-purpose datapath OS replacement that meet the needs of µs-scale systems. This paper proposes Demikernel, a flexible datapath OS and architecture designed for heterogenous kernel-bypass devices and µs-scale datacenter systems. We build two prototype Demikernel OSes and show that minimal effort is needed to port existing µs-scale systems. Once ported, Demikernel lets applications run across heterogenous kernel-bypass devices with ns-scale overheads and no code changes.

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Microsoft DemiKernel OS

February 20, 2020

The Demikernel is a library operating system architecture designed for use with kernel-bypass I/O devices. The Demikernel architecture offers a uniform system call API across kernel-bypass technologies (e.g., RDMA, DPDK) and OS functionality (e.g., a user-level networking stack for DPDK). Demeter OS is our first Demikernel OS, currently in the prototype stage. To read more about the motivation behind the Demikernel, check out this blog post. To get details about the system, read our HotOS paper.