Crowdsourcing Approach for Subjective Evaluation of Echo Impairment

  • ,
  • Babak Nadari ,
  • Markus Loide ,
  • Sten Sootla ,
  • Ando Saabas

2021 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing |

Published by IEEE


The quality of acoustic echo cancellers (AECs) in real-time communication systems is typically evaluated using objective metrics like ERLE [1] and PESQ [2], and less commonly with lab-based subjective tests like ITU-T Rec. P.831 [3]. We will show that these objective measures are not well correlated to subjective measures. We then introduce an open-source crowdsourcing approach for subjective evaluation of echo impairment which can be used to evaluate the performance of AECs. We provide a study that shows this tool is highly reproducible. This new tool has been recently used in the ICASSP 2021 AEC Challenge [4] which made the challenge possible to do quickly and cost effectively.