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Microsoft Research Asia StarTrack Scholars Program

Region: Global

Program Process
  1. Application and Preliminary Communication: Prospective applicants who meet the eligibility criteria for the Microsoft Research Asia StarTrack Scholars Program are requested to prepare the application form and recommendation letters as per the application requirements. Please complete the registration process by filling out the registration information via the provided link and forward the application form and recommendation letters to our global program coordinator Jeanne Mengzhen Zheng via email at by December 31, 2023. During this period, applicants are encouraged to establish initial contact with Microsoft Research Asia researchers they intend to collaborate with during their visit. For additional assistance, please feel free to contact our program manager, Ms. Beibei Shi, at
  2. Program Coordination and Review: In January 2024, the Microsoft Research Asia StarTrack Scholars Program Committee will conduct a comprehensive review of all the application materials with collaborating researchers. They will select and confirm suitable candidates, develop visit plans, and announce the final list.
  3. Formal Invitation: The Microsoft Research Asia StarTrack Scholars Program Committee will send a formal “Microsoft Research Asia StarTrack Scholars Program Invitation” to the young scholars on the final list. The anticipated date for extending formal invitation is February 20, 2024.
  4. Visit Plan Confirmation: Upon receiving the “Microsoft Research Asia StarTrack Scholars Program Invitation,” applicants are requested to collaborate with the program manager, Ms. Beibei Shi, and relevant collaborating researchers to confirm their specific visit plans. The 2024 StarTrack Scholars Program visit period spans from February 2024 to January 2025. Please be aware that if, for personal reasons, candidates are unable to confirm their visit plans within one year from the date of the formal invitation, they will be considered as having voluntarily withdrawn from participating in the StarTrack Scholars Program for that year.
  5. Visit Plan Modifications: Microsoft Research Asia StarTrack Scholars Program requires three-month full-time on-site visit. With the assistance of the program manager, candidates can submit requests for changes to their visit plans to the program committee. There are two scenarios for such changes:
    • Inability to Fulfill Three-Month Onsite Visit: If it is not feasible to fulfill the mandatory three-month onsite visit requirement, candidates are advised to reach out to the program manager and the collaborating researchers to discuss and submit a request for a modification to the visit plan before the visit begins. Subject to approval by the program committee, candidates may apply for a maximum of one month of remote access during the three-month visit. Please note that requests for this modification cannot be entertained once the onsite visit has commenced.
    • Requesting an Extension Beyond Three Months: If candidates need a visit duration of more than three months, they can contact the program manager and collaborating researchers during the visit period to discuss and submit a request for an extension. Upon approval from the program committee, the on-site visit can be extended for up to an additional three months (no extension for remote visit is allowed). This request must be submitted no later than 30 days before the scheduled end of the visit to be considered valid.
  6. Visit Conclusion: Upon concluding their visits, StarTrack Scholars are required to submit a formal visit conclusion report as per guidelines. Additionally, they are expected to deliver an academic presentation internally at Microsoft Research Asia. After their visits, StarTrack Scholars will be welcomed into the Microsoft Research Asia StarTrack Alumni Association.
More information
  1. Selected candidates for the Microsoft StarTrack Scholars Program will join Microsoft Research Asia as StarTrack Scholars for a three-month full-time visit.
  2. StarTrack Scholars will participate in Microsoft research projects, subject to a confidentiality agreement.
  3. The program prohibits scholars from bringing existing projects or intellectual property from their current institutions to MSRA. StarTrack Scholars will collaborate with MSRA researchers, initiating new research projects under StarTrack Scholars Program, with intellectual property rights owned by Microsoft.  
  4. Microsoft Research Asia StarTrack Scholars Program will provide StarTrack Scholars with corresponding visit allowances to support their daily work, dining, accommodation, and travel needs during their visit to Microsoft Research Asia.