Microsoft Research Blog

Research Focus: Week of August 26, 2024

August 28, 2024
Learn what’s next for AI at Research Forum on Sept. 3;  WizardArena simulates human-annotated chatbot games; MInference speeds pre-filling for long-context LLMs via dynamic sparse attention; Reef: Fast succinct non-interactive zero-knowledge regex proofs.
  1. Decorative graphic with wavy shapes in the background in blues and purples. Text overlay in center left reads: “Research Focus: August 26, 2024”

    Research Focus: Week of August 26, 2024 

    August 28, 2024

    Learn what’s next for AI at Research Forum on Sept. 3;  WizardArena simulates human-annotated chatbot games; MInference speeds pre-filling for long-context LLMs via dynamic sparse attention; Reef: Fast succinct non-interactive zero-knowledge regex proofs.

  2. Research Focus April 15, 2024

    Research Focus: Week of April 15, 2024 

    April 17, 2024

    In this issue: New research on appropriate reliance on generative AI; Power management opportunities for LLMs in the cloud; LLMLingua-2 improves task-agnostic prompt compression; Enhancing COMET to embrace under-resourced African languages:

  3. Research Focus 31

    Research Focus: Week of December 18, 2023 

    December 20, 2023

    In this issue of Research Focus: Optimized exit-augmented models for scalable efficient inference; NeurIPS LLM Efficiency Challenge; LLM-empowered automated data exploration; Boosting cloud efficiency with data-driven decision-making and optimization.

  4. Research Focus: November 8, 2023 on a gradient patterned background

    Research Focus: Week of November 8, 2023 

    November 8, 2023

    Welcome to Research Focus, a series of blog posts that highlights notable publications, events, code/datasets, new hires and other milestones from across the research community at Microsoft. Generating both plausible and accurate full body avatar motion is essential for creating high quality immersive experiences in…

  5. FOCS 2023 paper: Toward developing faster algorithms for minimizing submodular functions

    Toward developing faster algorithms for minimizing submodular functions 

    November 7, 2023 | Haotian Jiang

    This research paper was presented at the 64th IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS) 2023 (opens in new tab), a premier forum for the latest research in theoretical computer science. Submodular functions are versatile mathematical tools, finding diverse applications in real-world scenarios and…

  6. Research Focus October 11, 2023

    Research Focus: Week of October 9, 2023 

    October 11, 2023

    Research Focus: Principal researcher Lester Mackey recognized for pioneering statistical and ML techniques; Pareto frontiers in neural feature learning; structural inequality in the influencer industry; new research on cardinality estimation.

  7. Microsoft Research Focus 17 | Week of June 5, 2023

    Research Focus: Week of June 5, 2023 

    June 7, 2023

    In this issue: Peter Lee discusses AI in medicine. Plus, new research on data inference privacy in machine learning; PII leakage in language models; and automatic prompt organization with gradient descent and beam search.

  8. Microsoft Research Focus 15 | Week of May 8, 2023

    Research Focus: Week of May 8, 2023 

    May 10, 2023

    In this issue: Microsoft researchers win four more awards; AutoRXN automates calculations of molecular systems; LLM accelerator losslessly improves the efficiency of autoregressive decoding; a frequency domain approach to predict power system transients.

  9. Leslie Lamport headshot in front of blurred code

    TLA+ Foundation aims to bring math-based software modeling to the mainstream 

    April 24, 2023

    TLA+ is a high level, open-source, math-based language for modeling computer programs and systems–especially concurrent and distributed ones. It comes with tools to help eliminate fundamental design errors, which are hard to find and expensive to fix once they have been embedded in code or hardware. …

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