February 28, 2020

Machine Learning & Pizza


Location: Microsoft Research Cambridge

21 Station Road


Cheng Zhang

Dimitra Newman

View the whole series on talks.cam (opens in new tab)


Get your slice of the latest artificial intelligence research in Cambridge!
Starting in January 2020 we re-launch the AI+Pizza talk series as a fresh way to discover some of the amazing research on machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Each event packs two talks of 15 minutes each as well as an additional poster presentation session afterward, featuring hot-off-the-press artificial intelligence research out of Cambridge, such as recent papers from venues like NIPS, ICLR, ICML, AISTATS, and UAI.

The event is open to the public, welcoming all students and researchers in the area of machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Following the talks, free pizza and drinks will be served.