November 30, 2016

Computational Aspects of Biological Information 2016

9:00 AM – 5:30 PM

Location: Cambridge, MA, USA

Poster submissions are now closed.

To be considered for the CABI 2016 poster session, please submit the following information to by October 31st. Submissions will be evaluated on a rolling basis, and acceptance notifications will be sent by November 9th. Space is limited, and preference will be given to early submissions.

Posters may be up to 48”W X 36”H.

  • Presenting author name
  • Presenting author affiliation/institution
  • Presenting author email address
  • Title
  • Complete list of authors (first name last name).  Please do not list author affiliations.
  • Abstract (250 words maximum)

Please email the conference organizers at if you have any questions.