October 20, 2010

Computing in the 21st Century 2010

Venue: Shanghai  Jiao  Tong University

Official Website (opens in new tab)

The Twelfth Computing in the 21st Century Conference, jointly hosted by Microsoft Research  Asia  and  Shanghai  Jiao  Tong  University,   will   be   held  on  October 20th, 2010.  Nearly   two   thousand   professors   and   students   from  colleges  in  Shanghai,  Hangzhou  and   adjacent   areas   will  gather  at  Shanghai  Jiao  Tong University  for  this  grand  event.  Leading experts in computer research throughout the  country and from around the world will have the opportunity to meet face to face with  Chinese  students  and scholars, delivering keynote speeches and sharing their achievements in computer science research.

Under  the  theme  of  “People,  Computing,  and  the  Physical  World”, this  year’s Computing  in  the  21st  Century  Conference  will  explore the connections between people  and  computing  and  the blurring of the physical and cyber worlds; it will also examine  the  impact  of  mobile  and  cloud  computing  as  well  as sensor and social networks  on  people’s  lives in the future. The speakers,  including Turing and other award  recipients,  are  Dr. Chuck  Thacker,  Prof. Barbara Liskov, Prof. John Hopcroft, Prof. David  Culler,  Prof. Mahadev  Satyanarayanan,  Dr. Rick  Rashid,   Senior  Vice President  of  Microsoft  Corporation  and  Dr. Hsiao-Wuen Hon, Managing Director of Microsoft  Research  Asia. Dr. Feng Zhao, the Assistant Managing Director of Microsoft Research Asia, will be the chair of this year’s conference.

During the past twelve years,  Microsoft Research Asia has always been committed to strong   collaboration   with   academia   to   cultivate  talent  for  the  IT  and  related industries.  Computing  in  the  21st  Century is an academic conference organized by Microsoft  Research  Asia.  The  conference  is  one of the biggest and most influential conferences  in  computer  science  education  and  research in the region. It explores new horizons in the computing field, demonstrates the influence of Microsoft Research Asia   in   international    computer   research,   and    promotes   communication   and collaboration between Microsoft and academia.

Beginning   in  1999,   the   Computing   in  the  21st  Century  Conference  has  been successfully  held  for  eleven  years  and  has  welcomed  Turing  Award   recipients, Microsoft  scientists,  and well-known scholars from all over the world to give keynote speeches   and   exchange   ideas  with  the  top  minds  from  China   and  Asia.  The conference  attracts  strong  attention  from Chinese and Asia Pacific academia and is honored  by  the  media  as  “the  Most  Significant  Academic   Exchanges  in Chinese Computer Science Research Area”. The number of attendees has totaled 30,000 over the past eleven years.