November 1, 2013

Computing in the 21st Century 2013

Location: Hefei, Anhui

Keynote Speakers

Klara Nahrstedt (opens in new tab)

Klara Nahrstedt (opens in new tab)
Associate Head of Computer Science Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
IEEE and ACM Fellow

Topic: From QoS to QoE: Towards Experience-Centric Evaluations of Tele – Immersive Environments

Abstract (opens in new tab)

Harry Shum (opens in new tab)

Harry Shum (opens in new tab)
Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Corporation
IEEE and ACM Fellow

Topic: The Future of Internet Search: Intent, Knowledge and Interaction

Abstract (opens in new tab)

Rosalind W. Picard (opens in new tab)

Rosalind W. Picard (opens in new tab)
Director and the Founder of the Affective Computing Research Group at the MIT Media Lab
IEEE Fellow

Topic: Surprising Discoveries from Affective Computing

Abstract (opens in new tab)

Joseph Sifakis (opens in new tab)

Joseph Sifakis (opens in new tab)
Professor at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL)
2007 Turing Award Recipient

Topic: From Programs to Systems – Building a Smarter World

Abstract (opens in new tab)

Rick Rashid (opens in new tab)

Rick Rashid (opens in new tab)
Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Corporation
Founder of Microsoft Research
NAE and AAAS Member

Topic: The Role of Basic Research in Innovation – A look back and a look forward

Abstract (opens in new tab)

Jeannette Wing (opens in new tab)

Jeannette Wing (opens in new tab)
Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Research
IEEE and ACM Fellow

Topic: The Impact of Computer Science Research on Science, Technology, and Society

Abstract (opens in new tab)