a close up of a sign
July 19, 2017

Design Expo 2017


Location: Building 33, Kodiak Room, Redmond, WA

About: Be inspired by top design schools from around the world as they respond to the Design Expo 2017 Challenge. About Design Expo

Past Events:
Design Expo 2016
Design Expo 2015
Design Expo 2014
Design Expo 2013
Design Expo 2012
Design Expo 2011
Design Expo 2010


2017 Design Challenge:

Intentional Design for Positive Cultural Impact in Mixed Reality


Watch the Full video of Design Expo 2017 (opens in new tab).

Just as we are beginning to understand what it would take to “colonize” Mars — we are also starting to explore, develop and cultivate new “territories” in Mixed and Virtual Realities. What does it mean for our global cultures to exist in this “part physical/part digital” dimension? What is our responsibility in ensuring it is inclusive and works equally well for people with learning and physical disabilities? What unknown business models will we uncover that create new economies and continued innovation? How could this be equally available to all economic classes?

In Neil Postman’s book “Technopoly” he discusses how technologies create the ways in which people perceive reality — and that the culture shift can happen so quickly that sometimes we don’t even realize it. He provides this example: In the 12th and 13th centuries, Benedictine Monks used church bells to communicate the specific times during the day to pray. By the middle of the 14th century, this desire for precision led to the invention of the mechanical clock, then to the concept of efficiency and productivity, and ultimately — Capitalism!

Where might Mixed Reality, which opens a new dimension across space and time, lead us? Might we approach this with intention, mandating ourselves with the goal to create experiences that positively impact people’s perceptions of reality — “physical” or not?

We believe that Mixed Reality is a range of experiences where physical and virtual realities merge and create new environments where people and objects co-exist and interact across space and time. We are embarking on building infinite and alive worlds in Mixed Reality; join us to drive intentional awareness of the cultural impact that our efforts will create.


The Goal

Design a product, service or solution that demonstrates the value and differentiation of Mixed Reality. Your creation should demonstrate the best qualities of a Mixed Reality experience that takes into consideration the environment, objects and people that will be participating in your solution. It should meet a clear need and be extensible to wider applications. It may be near-term practical or blue sky, but the idea must be innovative, technically feasible and have a realistic chance of adoption if instantiated. Of course, to deliver an optimal experience, much is implied — from data, identity permissions and privacy to avatars and bots (first and third party); your design should minimally show awareness or explore solutions to them.