MobiCom 2018 in New Delhi, India
October 29, 2018 - November 2, 2018

Microsoft @ MobiCom 2018

Location: New Delhi, India


SIGMOBILE Test-of-Time Award

Award winners

Victor Bahl (opens in new tab), Mike Sinclair (opens in new tab), and Eugene Shih
Wake on Wireless: An Event Driven Energy Saving Strategy for Battery Operated Devices (opens in new tab),” ACM MobiCom 2002.

This paper pioneered the systematic use of low- and high-power radios in a battery-constrained device, by separating data and control channels, to minimize overall energy consumption. This design is now used commonly in today’s mobile devices and in software-designed networks.  An incredible 15-years after this paper was published, the specific idea of Wake on Wireless was turned into a IEEE 802.11ba standard (opens in new tab).  Also, the rigorous experimental approach has had a significant positive impact on the research methodology in the mobile computing community.

About the award

The SIGMOBILE Test-of-Time Paper Award (opens in new tab) recognize papers that have had a sustained and significant impact in the SIGMOBILE community over at least a decade. The award recognizes that a paper’s influence is often not fully apparent at the time of publication, and it can be best judged with the perspective of time.

All papers published at least 10 years ago in a SIGMOBILE venue are eligible for this award. In addition, papers published at least 10 years ago in other venues are also eligible if they have had an exceptional influence on the SIGMOBILE community. The papers are judged by their influence since publication. The award includes an honorarium for each paper to be split amongst the authors and an award certificate of recognition for each author. A public citation for award papers will be placed on the SIGMOBILE website.