July 1, 2013 - July 5, 2013

PhD Summer School 2013

Location: Cambridge, UK

Poster Guidelines

Posters should be designed for A1 portrait (594 mm width x 841 mm height) colour printing (either PowerPoint or PDF) and articulate clearly and concisely either visually or textually:

  • The challenge being addressed or question being answered by the research in such a way that a non-expert can understand the importance of the research
  • The focus of the research
  • The intended outcome of the research
  • The current stage of the research
  • Any research results, preliminary conclusions, or potentially interesting next steps

Posters should be aimed at other students and researchers who do not necessarily have expertise in that specific area of research.

Posters should clearly display your name and the name of your university.

Submission deadline: Monday, 17 June 2013