April 20, 2021 - April 22, 2021

3rd Annual Autism at Work Research Workshop

11:00am PDT - 2:00pm PDT

Location: Virtual

The workshop will run over three days, each with its own agenda.

  • Day 1: Community Building and Setting the Agenda (Open to all)
      • This day will include a set of talks and panels given by employers, autism self-advocates, community leaders, entrepreneurs, and academics about the state of autism employment and their priorities for its future. There will be an online social event following this day’s activities.
    Time Session Title
    11:00am PDT Introduction and Keynote
    11:05am PDT Keynote – Michael Bernick (opens in new tab)

    • The State of Autism Employment
    11:25am PDT Autism Self-Advocate Panel

    • Paulette Penzvalto
    • Aparna Kommineni
    • Jason Lehmann
    • Scott Karp
    11:50am PDT Breakout Session
    12:05pm PDT Break
    12:15pm PDT Employer Panel

    • Neil Barnett, Microsoft
    • Teresa Thomas, Mitre
    • Brad Cohen, Aspiritech
    • Rajesh Anandan, Ultra Testing
    12:35pm PDT Higher Education Panel

    • Lee Burdette Williams, College Autism Network (NASPA)
    • Sara Sanders Gardner, Bellevue College, Neurodiversity Navigators Program
    • Thomas Beeson, Clemson University, Spectrum Program
    • Lynn Gallagher, Loras University
    • Nancy Forsythe, University of Maryland
    12:55pm PDT Break
    1:05pm PDT Facilitating Autistic Employee Inclusion in the Workplace Panel

    • Kate Broeking, The How Skills Center
    • Laura Weldon, Weldon Wellness
    • Katie Oswald, Full Spectrum Agency for Autistic Adults
    • Jennifer Sarrett, Emory University
    • Sally Lindsay, University of Toronto
    1:25pm PDT Breakout Session
    1:40pm PDT High School Autism and Inclusion Contest Winners
    1:55pm PDT Conclusion
    2:00pm PDT Break
    2:10pm PDT Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center: Meaningful Connections
    Sensory-friendly Chamber Music Concert (30 minutes)
    Day 1 Workshop Schedule
  • Day 2: Research Opportunity and Development
    • On this day, clinicians, service providers, entrepreneurs, and researchers will come with ideas about potential research project proposals and connect with researchers to plan collaborations.
Time Session Title
11:00am PDT Introduction
11:05am PDT Lightning Talks (About Me)
11:45pm PDT Discussion
12:10pm PDT Break
12:20pm PDT Research Proposals
1:15pm PDT Break
1:25pm PDT Breakout Sessions
1:50pm PDT Conclusion
Day 2 Workshop Schedule
  • Day 3: Deep Dive into Research
    • This day will give researchers an opportunity to introduce themselves and their work, discuss their research agenda, and present their recent work. There will also be round table discussions of research ideas, along with extended abstracts and research-in progress submissions.
Time Session Title
11:00am PDT Introduction
11:05am PDT Paper Presentations (3 completed studies)
12:05pm PDT Break
12:15pm PDT Paper Presentations (2 completed studies)
12:55pm PDT Break
1:05pm PDT Discussion

  • Research observations
  • Emerging trends
  • Setting the research agenda
1:30pm PDT Discussion

  • Moving towards a social model of disability
  • Increasing representation and ownership for autistic people in research
1:45pm PDT Attendee feedback
1:55pm PDT Conclusion
Day 3 Workshop Schedule