Systems Research Group | Asia

The Systems Research Group (Asia) engages in both fundamental and applied research to advance the state of the art in computer systems. Our mission is to discover the fundamental principles for the design and implementation of modern computing tools, platforms, and infrastructures, and to provide thought leadership to the industry and research community.

Our group is committed to conducting high-caliber research in systems, we have won top research awards, including the best paper award and test-of-time award, at top conferences in systems and related fields, such as OSDI, NSDI, EuroSys, SenSys, ICSE, and NeurIPS. Many of our research results have been applied in Microsoft products, including Azure, Office, and Bing. Our group also has long-term collaborations with research institutions across the world. We are a founding member of ChinaSys, a community to promote systems research in China.

Career opportunities:

Email to msra-srg-hire AT Microsoft dot com if you are interested in the full-time or internship opportunities of our group.