Portrait of Antonio Criminisi

Antonio Criminisi

Partner Research Lead
Mesh Labs (Mixed Reality & AI)
Microsoft Cambridge


Antonio is a Partner Research Lead for Microsoft Mesh Labs in Cambridge and Zurich. His team of skilled researchers and engineers are developing state of the art technology in virtual and augmented reality, remote collaboration, avatar representation and volumetric videos. Some of our technology features in Microsoft products such as Teams and HoloLens.

Professional career. Antonio has a masters degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Palermo in Italy. In the year 2000 he obtained his doctorate degree (PhD) in computer vision from the University of Oxford.

Microsoft Research – In Jun 2000 Antonio joined the Machine Learning and Perception group at Microsoft Research and spent several years both in Redmond and Cambridge, working on foundational computer vision and machine learning research projects. From 2014 to 2019 Antonio lead Project InnerEye, developing AI tools to aid cancer treatment, a tool that is being used in some UK hospitals to aid radiotherapy planning.

Amazon – In May 2019 Antonio joined Amazon Cambridge to led the science, design, development and productization of Halo Body, a computer vision product that uses a customer’s own mobile phone to scan their body, calculate their body composition and estimate cardio-metabolic health risks.

Microsoft – In June 2022 Antonio returned to Microsoft as Partner Research Lead to manage Mesh Labs, part of Microsoft’s Mixed Reality & AI effort. Antonio is currently working on avatar representations of humans, both for Teams and immersive applications.

Publications. Antonio has written and co-authored numerous scientific papers and books on computer vision, machine learning and medical image analysis; more specifically  on decision forests, deep learning and convolutional neural networks, object recognition, image and video analysis and editing, videoconferencing, 3D reconstruction, virtual/augmented reality, forensic science, history of art, 3D scanning and measurement of human body and biomarkers for health risk prediction. His papers have been published in Nature, SIGGRAPH, ICCV, CVPR, NeurIPS and other prestigious scientific journals and conferences. Antonio’s research has been awarded prizes and awards, amongst which the David Marr prize at ICCV 2015 for his paper “Deep Neural Decision Forests”.