Portrait of Antonios (aka Tony) Karatzoglou

Antonios (aka Tony) Karatzoglou

Senior Applied Scientist


I’m an AI Applied Scientist at Microsoft, Maps & Geospatial Services. I explore and develop state of the art data- and knowledge-driven methods with the goal of creating enhanced context-aware and user-tailored experiences. Prior to joining Microsoft, I worked as an AI and Big Data Engineer at Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany.

I received my first BSc in Electrical Engineering from the University of Applied Sciences TEIWM, Greece. I then continued my studies at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany, from which I received my second BSc as well as my MSc in Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies (aka Dipl.-Ing.). I completed my studies at KIT by receiving my PhD in Computer Sciences advised by Prof. Michael Beigl and Prof. Heiner Stuckenschmidt. During my postgraduate studies I was also an academic staff member of the Research Group TECO (opens in new tab) (KIT) (among other institutes) working on various topics and projects, as well as supervising courses and undergraduate or graduate students, primarily in the field of context-aware computing, such as localization and activity recognition.