Portrait of Baining Guo

Baining Guo

Distinguished Scientist


Dr. Baining Guo is a member of the following professional groups:

  • Fellow, IEEE
  • Associate editor, IEEE Trans on Visualization and Computer Graphics (04 – 10)
  • Associate editor, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (07 – present)
  • Associate editor, Computer and Graphics (07 – present)
  • Pacific Graphics Steering Committee
  • Computer Graphics International 2005 (CGI ’05) program co-chair
  • Pacific Graphics 2009 (PG ’09) conference co-chair
  • IEEE 2010 Computer Society Fellows Committee

Dr. Guo has served on the following program committees:

  • [2002] Pacific Graphics ’02
  • [2003] Pacific Graphics ’03
  • [2004] IEEE Visualizaion ’04, Pacific Graphics ’04, Geometric Modeling and Processing ’04, ACM Symp. on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (ACM VRST ’04), ACM Siggraph ’04 Sketches Committee
  • [2005] IEEE Visualizaion ’05, Graphics Interface ’05, Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA ’05), Pacific Graphics ’05, ACM Symp. on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (ACM VRST ’05)
  • [2006] IEEE Visualization ’06, ACM Siggraph ’06 Papers Committee, ACM Symp on Solid and Physical Modeling ’06, Geometric Modeling and Processing ’06, Pacific Graphics ’06, ACM Symp. on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (ACM VRST ’06)
  • [2007] ACM Siggraph ’07 Papers Committee, ACM Symp on Solid and Physical Modeling ’07, Eurographics Symp. on Rendering ’07, Pacific Graphics ’07, ACM Symp. on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (ACM VRST ’07), Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV ’07)
  • [2008] ACM Symp on Solid and Physical Modeling ’08, Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA ’08), Eurographics Symp. on Rendering ’08, ACM Siggraph
    Asia ’08 Advisory Committee
  • [2009] IEEE Visualizaion ’09, ACM Siggraph ’09 Papers Committee, Eurographics Symp. on Rendering ’09, ACM Siggraph Asia ’09 Advisory Committee
  • [2010] ACM Siggraph ’10 Papers Committee, IEEE Visualizaion ’10
  • [2011] ACM Siggraph Asia ’11 Advisory Committee