Portrait of Bodhi Priyantha

Bodhi Priyantha


Awards and Honors

  • MobiSys’14 Best Paper Award: Shahriar Nirjon, Jie Liu, Gerald DeJean, Bodhi Priyantha, Yuzhe Jin, Ted Hart, “COIN-GPS: Indoor Localization from Direct GPS Receiving
  • MobiSys’13 Best Paper Award: Robert LiKamWa, Bodhi Priyantha, Matthai Philipose, Lin Zhong, Paramvir Bahl, “Energy Characterization and Optimization of Image Sensing Toward Continuous Mobile Vision
  • SenSys’12 Best Paper Award: Jie Liu, Bodhi Priyantha, Ted Hart, Heitor Ramos, Antonio Loureiro, Qiang Wang, “Energy Efficient GPS Sensing with Cloud Offloading
  • RTAS’10 Best Paper Award: Qing Cao, Dong Wang, Tarek Abdelzaher, Bodhi Priyantha, Jie Liu, and Feng Zhao, “Energy-optimal Batching Periods for Asynchronous Multistage Data Processing on Sensor Nodes: Foundations and an mPlatform Case Study”
  • Microsoft Gold Star Award, 2011
  • MIT George M. Sprowls Award for an outstanding Ph.D. thesis in computer science, 2005
  • University of Moratuwa UNESCO Team Award gold medal for the Best Engineering Student, 1996