Portrait of Budhaditya Deb

Budhaditya Deb

Principal Scientist


I am a Principal Scientist in the Microsoft Search, Assistant and Intelligence (MSAI) group. I completed my Ph.D from Rutgers University in 2005.  Prior to Microsoft, I spent 8 years at GE-Research and BBN Technologies as a Researcher working on various industrial, academic and government projects. My current research interests span areas under Natural Language Processing and Understanding, Bayesian DNNs, Semi-Supervised Learning and Transfer Learning.

I have been the core contributor behind several AI features for MS-Office in production. These include:

  • Classification and Information Extraction Framework for Text (CIFT), a system for generating actionable insights from large-scale unstructured text signals.
  • Domain Classifiers, Commitments, and Requests models for Outlook emails.
  • SmartReply for Outlook, Skype and Teams: I have authored the core DNN models for all versions of SR shipped in production. I also lead the research and development behind SmartReply internationalization efforts.
  • Meeting catchup and summarization in Microsoft Teams, which provides insights, notes and summary from Teams meetings transcripts.

My current research project involves developing interactive Large Language Models which have intrinsic ability to continuously interact with users and learn in natural language.