The Seven Properties of Highly Secured Devices (2nd Edition)
Galen Hunt, George Letey, Edmund B Nightingale
MSR-TR-2020-41 | November 2020
Published by Microsoft
Galen Hunt, George Letey, Edmund B Nightingale
MSR-TR-2020-41 | November 2020
Published by Microsoft
Galen Hunt, George Letey, Edmund B Nightingale
MSR-TR-2017-16 | March 2017
Published by Microsoft
Galen Hunt, Steven Levi
MSR-TR-2015-29 | April 2015
Andrew Baumann, Marcus Peinado, Galen Hunt
11th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI '14) | October 2014
Best Paper Award
Andrew Baumann, Marcus Peinado, Galen Hunt, Krystof Zmudzinski, Carlos V. Rozas, Matthew Hoekstra
November 2013
SOSP'13: The 24th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
Andrew Baumann, Dongyoon Lee, Pedro Fonseca, Lisa Glendenning, Jay Lorch, Barry Bond, Reuben Olinsky, Galen Hunt
Eurosys | April 2013
Donald E. Porter, Silas Boyd-Wickizer, Jon Howell, Reuben Olinsky, Galen Hunt
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) | March 2011
A.J. Brush, Amy Karlson, James Scott, Raman Sarin, Andy Jacobs, Barry Bond, Oscar Murillo, Galen Hunt, Mike Sinclair, Kerry Hammil, Steven Levi
Proceedings of MobileHCI 2010 | September 2010
Galen Hunt, Jim Larus
Communications of the ACM | August 2010, Vol 53(8): pp. 72-79
Jon Howell, Galen Hunt, David Molnar, Donald E. Porter
MSR-TR-2010-51 | May 2010
Galen Hunt, Kirk Glerum, Kinshuman Kinshumann, Steve Greenberg, Gabriel Aul, Vince Orgovan, Greg Nichols, David Grant, Gretchen Loihle
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP '09) | October 2009
Edmund B Nightingale, Orion Hodson, Ross McIlroy, Chris Hawblitzel, Galen Hunt
Proceedings of the 22nd Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP '09) | October 2009
Galen Hunt, Jim Larus
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review | April 2007, Vol 41(2): pp. 37-49
Galen Hunt, Mark Aiken, Manuel Fahndrich, Chris Hawblitzel, Orion Hodson, Jim Larus, Steven Levi, Bjarne Steensgaard, David Tarditi, Ted Wobber
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys) | March 2007
Mark Aiken, Manuel Fahndrich, Chris Hawblitzel, Galen Hunt, Jim Larus
ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Memory Systems Performance and Correctness | October 2006
Manuel Fahndrich, Mark Aiken, Chris Hawblitzel, Orion Hodson, Galen Hunt, Jim Larus, Steven Levi
Proceedings of the EuroSys 2006 Conference | April 2006
Best Paper
Galen Hunt, Mark Aiken, Paul Barham, Manuel Fahndrich, Chris Hawblitzel, Orion Hodson, Jim Larus, Steven Levi, Nick Murphy, Bjarne Steensgaard, David Tarditi, Ted Wobber, Brian Zill
MSR-TR-2006-51 | April 2006
Michael Spear, Tom Roeder, Orion Hodson, Galen Hunt, Steven Levi
Proceedings of the EuroSys 2006 Conference | April 2006
Galen Hunt, Jim Larus, Ted Wobber, David Tarditi
Proceedings of Tenth Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOs) | October 2005
Galen Hunt, Jim Larus, Martin Abadi, Mark Aiken, Paul Barham, Manuel Fahndrich, Chris Hawblitzel, Orion Hodson, Steven Levi, Nick Murphy, Bjarne Steensgaard, David Tarditi, Ted Wobber, Brian Zill
MSR-TR-2005-135 | October 2005
Galen Hunt, Jim Larus
MSR-TR-2004-105 | November 2004
Singularity Design Note 0
Alessandro Forin, Galen Hunt, Li Li, Yi-Min Wang
Proceedings of the 3rd USENIX Windows NT Symposium | July 1999
Alessandro Forin, Galen Hunt, Li Li, Yi-Min Wang
Third USENIX Windows NT Symposium | July 1999
Robert J. Stets, Galen Hunt, Michael L. Scott
IEEE Computer | July 1999, Vol 32: pp. 36
Galen Hunt, Doug Brubacher
Third USENIX Windows NT Symposium | July 1999
Galen Hunt, Michael L. Scott
Fifth Conference on Object-Oriented Technologies and Systems (COOTS) | May 1999
Galen Hunt, Michael L. Scott
Third Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation (OSDI) | February 1999
Galen Hunt, Michael L. Scott
Proceedings of the 2nd International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Workshop (EDOC ’98) | November 1998
Technical Report CS-190, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
Robert Stets, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Nikolaos Hardavellas, Galen Hunt, Leonidas Kontothanassis, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Michael Scott
Sixteenth ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles (SOSP) | October 1997
Proceedings of the First USENIX Windows NT Workshop | August 1997
Leonidas Kontothanassis, Galen Hunt, Robert Stets, Nikolaos Hardavellas, Michal Cierniak, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Wagner Meira, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Michael Scott
Twenty-fourth Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA) | June 1997
Galen Hunt, Michael L. Scott
MSR-TR-1997-1 | February 1997
Galen Hunt, Randal Nelson
Third International Workshop on Parallel Algorithms for Irregularly Structured Problems (IRREGULAR '96) | August 1996
Editor(s): Afonso Ferreira, Jose Rolim, Yousef Saad, Tao Yang
Galen Hunt, Michael L. Scott
| June 1996
Proceedings of the First USENIX Windows NT Workshop | August 1997
Galen Hunt, George Letey, Edmund B Nightingale
MSR-TR-2020-41 | November 2020
Published by Microsoft
Galen Hunt, George Letey, Edmund B Nightingale
MSR-TR-2017-16 | March 2017
Published by Microsoft
A.J. Brush, Amy Karlson, James Scott, Raman Sarin, Andy Jacobs, Barry Bond, Oscar Murillo, Galen Hunt, Mike Sinclair, Kerry Hammil, Steven Levi
Proceedings of MobileHCI 2010 | September 2010
Galen Hunt, George Letey, Edmund B Nightingale
MSR-TR-2020-41 | November 2020
Published by Microsoft
Galen Hunt, George Letey, Edmund B Nightingale
MSR-TR-2017-16 | March 2017
Published by Microsoft
Andrew Baumann, Marcus Peinado, Galen Hunt
11th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI '14) | October 2014
Best Paper Award
Galen Hunt, Doug Brubacher
Third USENIX Windows NT Symposium | July 1999
Robert Stets, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Nikolaos Hardavellas, Galen Hunt, Leonidas Kontothanassis, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Michael Scott
Sixteenth ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles (SOSP) | October 1997
Leonidas Kontothanassis, Galen Hunt, Robert Stets, Nikolaos Hardavellas, Michal Cierniak, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Wagner Meira, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Michael Scott
Twenty-fourth Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA) | June 1997
Galen Hunt, Randal Nelson
Third International Workshop on Parallel Algorithms for Irregularly Structured Problems (IRREGULAR '96) | August 1996
Editor(s): Afonso Ferreira, Jose Rolim, Yousef Saad, Tao Yang
Galen Hunt, George Letey, Edmund B Nightingale
MSR-TR-2020-41 | November 2020
Published by Microsoft
Galen Hunt, George Letey, Edmund B Nightingale
MSR-TR-2017-16 | March 2017
Published by Microsoft
Andrew Baumann, Marcus Peinado, Galen Hunt
11th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI '14) | October 2014
Best Paper Award
Andrew Baumann, Marcus Peinado, Galen Hunt, Krystof Zmudzinski, Carlos V. Rozas, Matthew Hoekstra
November 2013
SOSP'13: The 24th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
Andrew Baumann, Dongyoon Lee, Pedro Fonseca, Lisa Glendenning, Jay Lorch, Barry Bond, Reuben Olinsky, Galen Hunt
Eurosys | April 2013
Donald E. Porter, Silas Boyd-Wickizer, Jon Howell, Reuben Olinsky, Galen Hunt
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) | March 2011
Jon Howell, Galen Hunt, David Molnar, Donald E. Porter
MSR-TR-2010-51 | May 2010
Galen Hunt, Kirk Glerum, Kinshuman Kinshumann, Steve Greenberg, Gabriel Aul, Vince Orgovan, Greg Nichols, David Grant, Gretchen Loihle
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP '09) | October 2009
Edmund B Nightingale, Orion Hodson, Ross McIlroy, Chris Hawblitzel, Galen Hunt
Proceedings of the 22nd Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP '09) | October 2009
Galen Hunt, Jim Larus
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review | April 2007, Vol 41(2): pp. 37-49
Galen Hunt, Mark Aiken, Manuel Fahndrich, Chris Hawblitzel, Orion Hodson, Jim Larus, Steven Levi, Bjarne Steensgaard, David Tarditi, Ted Wobber
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys) | March 2007
Mark Aiken, Manuel Fahndrich, Chris Hawblitzel, Galen Hunt, Jim Larus
ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Memory Systems Performance and Correctness | October 2006
Galen Hunt, Mark Aiken, Paul Barham, Manuel Fahndrich, Chris Hawblitzel, Orion Hodson, Jim Larus, Steven Levi, Nick Murphy, Bjarne Steensgaard, David Tarditi, Ted Wobber, Brian Zill
MSR-TR-2006-51 | April 2006
Michael Spear, Tom Roeder, Orion Hodson, Galen Hunt, Steven Levi
Proceedings of the EuroSys 2006 Conference | April 2006
Galen Hunt, Jim Larus, Ted Wobber, David Tarditi
Proceedings of Tenth Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOs) | October 2005
Galen Hunt, Jim Larus, Martin Abadi, Mark Aiken, Paul Barham, Manuel Fahndrich, Chris Hawblitzel, Orion Hodson, Steven Levi, Nick Murphy, Bjarne Steensgaard, David Tarditi, Ted Wobber, Brian Zill
MSR-TR-2005-135 | October 2005
Galen Hunt, Doug Brubacher
Third USENIX Windows NT Symposium | July 1999
Robert J. Stets, Galen Hunt, Michael L. Scott
IEEE Computer | July 1999, Vol 32: pp. 36
Galen Hunt, Michael L. Scott
Fifth Conference on Object-Oriented Technologies and Systems (COOTS) | May 1999
Galen Hunt, Michael L. Scott
Third Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation (OSDI) | February 1999
Galen Hunt, Michael L. Scott
MSR-TR-1997-1 | February 1997
Galen Hunt, Steven Levi
MSR-TR-2015-29 | April 2015
Manuel Fahndrich, Mark Aiken, Chris Hawblitzel, Orion Hodson, Galen Hunt, Jim Larus, Steven Levi
Proceedings of the EuroSys 2006 Conference | April 2006
Best Paper
Galen Hunt, Jim Larus
MSR-TR-2004-105 | November 2004
Singularity Design Note 0
A.J. Brush, Amy Karlson, James Scott, Raman Sarin, Andy Jacobs, Barry Bond, Oscar Murillo, Galen Hunt, Mike Sinclair, Kerry Hammil, Steven Levi
Proceedings of MobileHCI 2010 | September 2010
Galen Hunt, Michael L. Scott
| June 1996
Galen Hunt, Jim Larus
Communications of the ACM | August 2010, Vol 53(8): pp. 72-79
Alessandro Forin, Galen Hunt, Li Li, Yi-Min Wang
Third USENIX Windows NT Symposium | July 1999
Alessandro Forin, Galen Hunt, Li Li, Yi-Min Wang
Proceedings of the 3rd USENIX Windows NT Symposium | July 1999
Galen Hunt, Michael L. Scott
Proceedings of the 2nd International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Workshop (EDOC ’98) | November 1998
Technical Report CS-190, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
Galen Hunt, Michael L. Scott
MSR-TR-1997-1 | February 1997
Galen Hunt, Michael L. Scott
| June 1996
Galen Hunt, George Letey, Edmund B Nightingale
MSR-TR-2020-41 | November 2020
Published by Microsoft
Galen Hunt, George Letey, Edmund B Nightingale
MSR-TR-2017-16 | March 2017
Published by Microsoft
Galen Hunt, Steven Levi
MSR-TR-2015-29 | April 2015
Jon Howell, Galen Hunt, David Molnar, Donald E. Porter
MSR-TR-2010-51 | May 2010
Galen Hunt, Mark Aiken, Paul Barham, Manuel Fahndrich, Chris Hawblitzel, Orion Hodson, Jim Larus, Steven Levi, Nick Murphy, Bjarne Steensgaard, David Tarditi, Ted Wobber, Brian Zill
MSR-TR-2006-51 | April 2006
Galen Hunt, Jim Larus, Martin Abadi, Mark Aiken, Paul Barham, Manuel Fahndrich, Chris Hawblitzel, Orion Hodson, Steven Levi, Nick Murphy, Bjarne Steensgaard, David Tarditi, Ted Wobber, Brian Zill
MSR-TR-2005-135 | October 2005
Galen Hunt, Jim Larus
MSR-TR-2004-105 | November 2004
Singularity Design Note 0
Alessandro Forin, Galen Hunt, Li Li, Yi-Min Wang
Third USENIX Windows NT Symposium | July 1999
Alessandro Forin, Galen Hunt, Li Li, Yi-Min Wang
Proceedings of the 3rd USENIX Windows NT Symposium | July 1999
Galen Hunt, Doug Brubacher
Third USENIX Windows NT Symposium | July 1999
Galen Hunt, Michael L. Scott
Fifth Conference on Object-Oriented Technologies and Systems (COOTS) | May 1999
Galen Hunt, Michael L. Scott
Third Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation (OSDI) | February 1999
Galen Hunt, Michael L. Scott
Proceedings of the 2nd International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Workshop (EDOC ’98) | November 1998
Technical Report CS-190, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
Robert Stets, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Nikolaos Hardavellas, Galen Hunt, Leonidas Kontothanassis, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Michael Scott
Sixteenth ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles (SOSP) | October 1997
Proceedings of the First USENIX Windows NT Workshop | August 1997
Leonidas Kontothanassis, Galen Hunt, Robert Stets, Nikolaos Hardavellas, Michal Cierniak, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Wagner Meira, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Michael Scott
Twenty-fourth Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA) | June 1997
Galen Hunt, Randal Nelson
Third International Workshop on Parallel Algorithms for Irregularly Structured Problems (IRREGULAR '96) | August 1996
Editor(s): Afonso Ferreira, Jose Rolim, Yousef Saad, Tao Yang
Andrew Baumann, Marcus Peinado, Galen Hunt
11th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI '14) | October 2014
Best Paper Award
Andrew Baumann, Dongyoon Lee, Pedro Fonseca, Lisa Glendenning, Jay Lorch, Barry Bond, Reuben Olinsky, Galen Hunt
Eurosys | April 2013
Donald E. Porter, Silas Boyd-Wickizer, Jon Howell, Reuben Olinsky, Galen Hunt
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) | March 2011
A.J. Brush, Amy Karlson, James Scott, Raman Sarin, Andy Jacobs, Barry Bond, Oscar Murillo, Galen Hunt, Mike Sinclair, Kerry Hammil, Steven Levi
Proceedings of MobileHCI 2010 | September 2010
Galen Hunt, Kirk Glerum, Kinshuman Kinshumann, Steve Greenberg, Gabriel Aul, Vince Orgovan, Greg Nichols, David Grant, Gretchen Loihle
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP '09) | October 2009
Edmund B Nightingale, Orion Hodson, Ross McIlroy, Chris Hawblitzel, Galen Hunt
Proceedings of the 22nd Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP '09) | October 2009
Galen Hunt, Mark Aiken, Manuel Fahndrich, Chris Hawblitzel, Orion Hodson, Jim Larus, Steven Levi, Bjarne Steensgaard, David Tarditi, Ted Wobber
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys) | March 2007
Mark Aiken, Manuel Fahndrich, Chris Hawblitzel, Galen Hunt, Jim Larus
ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Memory Systems Performance and Correctness | October 2006
Manuel Fahndrich, Mark Aiken, Chris Hawblitzel, Orion Hodson, Galen Hunt, Jim Larus, Steven Levi
Proceedings of the EuroSys 2006 Conference | April 2006
Best Paper
Michael Spear, Tom Roeder, Orion Hodson, Galen Hunt, Steven Levi
Proceedings of the EuroSys 2006 Conference | April 2006
Galen Hunt, Jim Larus, Ted Wobber, David Tarditi
Proceedings of Tenth Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOs) | October 2005
Andrew Baumann, Marcus Peinado, Galen Hunt, Krystof Zmudzinski, Carlos V. Rozas, Matthew Hoekstra
November 2013
SOSP'13: The 24th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
Robert J. Stets, Galen Hunt, Michael L. Scott
IEEE Computer | July 1999, Vol 32: pp. 36
Galen Hunt, Jim Larus
Communications of the ACM | August 2010, Vol 53(8): pp. 72-79
Galen Hunt, Jim Larus
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review | April 2007, Vol 41(2): pp. 37-49