Portrait of Hany Hassan Awadalla

Hany Hassan Awadalla

Partner Research Manager

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Book Chapters


  • Method and System for Extracting and Visualizing Graph-Structured Relations from Unstructured Text, US 7730085, issued.
  • Method and System for Detecting and Predicting Anomalous Events, Pending.
  • Method and System for Access of Multilingual Textual Resources using Conceptual Representation Matching , US20090116741 (pending)
  • Method and System for Detecting Anomalous Behavior in Business Process Performance, pending
  • Method and System for Automatically Generating Multilingual Electronic Content from Unstructured Data, pending.
  • Method and System for Selecting a Data Element in a Network, Pending.
  • Method and System for Resolving Out-of-Vocabulary Words during Machine Translation, Filed by Microsoft, 2011

Honors and Awards

  • LRC Best Thesis Award (opens in new tab), 2009
  • IBM Software Group Top Talent for Leadership 2008
  • IBM First Plateau Invention Achievement Award 2007, in appreciation and recognition of creative contribution to IBM progress.
  • IBM Watson Research Center Bravo Award 2006, for significant contribution in Information Extraction Research.
  • IBM Invention Achievement Award 2005, for First Patent Application.
  • Science Foundation of Ireland (SFI) 2005, PhD scholarship at Dublin City University.
  • IBM Technical Achievement Award 2001, For outstanding contribution in EMMS development.
  • Technical Services
  • Guest Editor of Machine Translation Journal, special issue on Arabic Translation (opens in new tab).
  • Program Committee Member of ACL, EMNLP, HLT/NAACL for several years.
    Reviewer for Machine Translation Journal, ACM Transactions
  • Served as an Executive Member of EAMT (European Association of Machine Translation)