Portrait of Javier Zazo

Javier Zazo

Senior Research Machine Learning Engineer


I am a Senior ML Research Engineer in Health Intelligence and I work on the Antigen Map Project in collaboration with Adaptive Biotechnologies. This project aims to learn how T cell receptors (TCRs) bind to antigens, and to identify how our bodies protect us against infections, cancerous cells and autoimmune diseases. My role is to help develop models and tools to identify which TCRs proliferate under diseases, with a particular focus on sequence modelling and scalability to train them on millions of TCRs.

I received my Ph.D. from Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM) working on non-convex optimization, game theory and applications. I received my Telecommunications Engineer degree from UPM and Technische Universitat Darmstadt (TUD), and M.Sc. from the National University of Ireland (NUIM). From 2018 to 2020 I was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University working on optimal transport, deep learning and representation learning.