Portrait of John Langford

John Langford

Partner Researcher Manager

Professional Activities


Blog: Machine Learning (Theory) (opens in new tab)
Tutorial: Real World Interactive Learning (opens in new tab) at ICML 2017 (opens in new tab).
Class: Machine Learning the Future (opens in new tab) at Cornell Tech in 2017.
Tutorial: Learning to Search (opens in new tab) at HLT-NAACL 2015 (opens in new tab) and ICML 2015 (opens in new tab).
Tutorial: Learning to Interact (opens in new tab) at NIPS 2013 (opens in new tab).
Class: Large Scale Machine Learning (opens in new tab)
Tutorial: Scaling up Machine Learning (opens in new tab) at KDD 2011 (opens in new tab).
Tutorial: Learning through Exploration (opens in new tab) Video (opens in new tab) at ICML 2010 (opens in new tab) and KDD 2010 (opens in new tab).
Workshop: Organizer Cores, Clusters, and Clouds (opens in new tab) at NIPS 2010 (opens in new tab).
Tutorial: Active Learning (opens in new tab) Video (opens in new tab) at ICML 2009 (opens in new tab).
Tutorial: Reductions in Machine Learning (opens in new tab) Video (opens in new tab) at ICML 2009 (opens in new tab)
Workshop: Organizer Principles of Learning Problem Design (opens in new tab) at NIPS 2007 (opens in new tab)
Tutorial: Learning Reductions (opens in new tab) IJCAI2005 (opens in new tab) and MLSS 2005 (opens in new tab)
School: Organizer Machine Learning Summer School (opens in new tab) Chicago 2005
Workshop: Organizer (Ab)Use of Bounds (opens in new tab) NIPS 2004 (opens in new tab)
Workshop: Organizer Machine Learning Reductions (opens in new tab) TTI-Chicago (opens in new tab), 2003
Tutorial: Practical Prediction Theory for Classification (opens in new tab) ICML2003 (opens in new tab) and MLSS 2005 (opens in new tab)


President-Elect of ICML (opens in new tab) in 2017
General Chair: ICML 2016 (opens in new tab)
Program Chair: ICML 2012 (opens in new tab)
New York ML Symposium co-organizer: 2008 (opens in new tab) 2009 (opens in new tab) 2010 (opens in new tab) 2011 (opens in new tab) 2012 (opens in new tab) 2014 (opens in new tab) 2015 (opens in new tab) 2016 (opens in new tab) 2017 (opens in new tab) 2018 (opens in new tab)
Area chair/Senior PC: ICML 2004 NIPS 2006 (opens in new tab) ICML 2007 (opens in new tab) ICML 2009 (opens in new tab) ICML 2010 (opens in new tab) KDD 2010 (opens in new tab) NIPS 2010 (opens in new tab) ICML 2011 (opens in new tab) and other since.
Program committee: ICML 2003, 2005 & 2008, SODA 2008 (opens in new tab), AAAI (opens in new tab) 2005, AAAI (opens in new tab) 2007ALT (opens in new tab) 2004, UAI 2007 (opens in new tab) AIStat (opens in new tab) 2005 COLT 2008 (opens in new tab) COLT 2009 (opens in new tab) and others
Reviewing: NIPS (opens in new tab) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005 & 2007, AAAI (opens in new tab) 2002, MLJ (opens in new tab), JMLR (opens in new tab), JAIR (opens in new tab), JCSS, TCS, JACM, and others


Siebel Scholar (opens in new tab)
Herman Goldstine Postdoctoral Fellowship (opens in new tab)
Lebanon High School Hall of Fame (opens in new tab)


I have worked with many students over time. In all cases, I try to learn something from them as well.

Jacob Abernethy (opens in new tab) (Professor, University of Michigan)
Alekh Agarwal (opens in new tab) (Research Scientist, MSR-NYC)
Luis von Ahn (opens in new tab) (*) (Professor Carnegie Mellon)
Ashwinkumar Badanidiyuru (opens in new tab) (Research Scientist, Google)
Nina Balcan (opens in new tab) (*) (Professor Carnegie Mellon)
Arindam Banerjee (opens in new tab) (*)(Professor UMinnesota)
Alberto Bietti (opens in new tab)(INRIA)
Kai-Wei Chang (opens in new tab) (Professor, UCLA)
Carl Burch (opens in new tab) (*) (Google)
Anna Choromanska (opens in new tab) (*) (Professor, NYU)
Christoph Dann (opens in new tab) (CMU)
Hal Daume (opens in new tab) (*) (Professor U Maryland & Researcher at MSR-NYC)
Varsha Dani (opens in new tab) (Research Professor U New Mexico)
Nick Hopper (opens in new tab) (*) (Professor UMinnesota)
Daniel Hsu (opens in new tab) (*) (Professor, Columbia)
Nan Jiang (opens in new tab) (Postdoc at MSR-NYC
Nikos Karampatziakis (opens in new tab) (*) (Microsoft)
Matti Kääriäinen (*) (Nokia?)
Sham Kakade (opens in new tab) (*) (University of Washington)
Adam Kalai (opens in new tab) (*) (Microsoft Research)
Akshay Krishnamurthy (opens in new tab) (Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst & Researcher at MSR-NYC)
Nicolas Lambert (opens in new tab) (Professor Stanford)
Lihong Li (opens in new tab) (Google)
Haipeng Luo (opens in new tab) (USC Professor)
Dipendra Misra (opens in new tab)(Cornell Tech)
Joseph O’Sullivan (ex-Google)
Pradeep Ravikumar (opens in new tab) (Professor UTAustin)
Ruslan Salakhutdinov (opens in new tab) (Professor Carnegie Mellon)
Matthias Seeger (opens in new tab) (*) (Amazon)
Vin de Silva (opens in new tab) (*) (Professor Pomona)
Alex Strehl (*) (Facebook)
Adith Swaminathan (opens in new tab)
Jennifer Wortman Vaughan (opens in new tab) (Microsoft Research)
Vandi Verma (opens in new tab) (*) (JPL)
Yevgeniy Vorobeychik (opens in new tab) (Vanderbilt University)
Eric Weiwiora (opens in new tab) (UCSD)
Bianca Zadrozny (opens in new tab) (*) (IBM)
Martin Zinkevich (opens in new tab) (Google Research)

(*) = on work which became part of their thesis