Portrait of Jeya Maria Jose Valanarasu

Jeya Maria Jose Valanarasu

Senior Researcher


I am at Microsoft Research’s Health Futures team currently focusing on

  • Developing advanced multi-modal foundation models for radiology and pathology from large-scale real-world data,
  • Methods for encoding clinically valuable data representations, tailored for healthcare applications.

Previously, I was as a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University, working with Prof. Andrew Ng (opens in new tab) and Prof. Curt Langlotz (opens in new tab), working on several Health AI projects ranging from synthetic data generation to medical vision foundation models. I also led Stanford’s AI for Healthcare bootcamp (opens in new tab) in 2023-2024. I obtained my PhD, MS from Johns Hopkins University advised by Prof. Vishal M. Patel (opens in new tab). During my PhD, I worked on several topics like designing effective deep architectures, video enhancement, model adaptability to changing environments, multi-modal learning, and taming large models for computer vision and healthcare tasks.

My works have appeared at CVPR, ICLR, ECCV, ICRA, MICCAI, MIDL, IEEE Transactions, etc. I serve as an area chair at MICCAI. I have also been recognized through awards like Amazon Research Fellowship, Young Scientist Impact Award (Finalist), NIH MICCAI Award, DAAD-AI-Fellowship, multiple Best Paper awards (ICRA 2022, CVIP 2019), Project Seed Grants (Stanford HAI), travel grants, etc.