Portrait of John Helmes

John Helmes

Senior Designer


John Helmes is a senior designer in the Sensors and Devices group (SenDev) at Microsoft Research in Cambridge. He has over 7 years of industrial, interaction & user centred design experience, prototyping various products and experiences in several industries and research.

He graduated at the University of Technology Eindhoven in 2008 and holds a Bachelor and Master degree in Industrial Design. He participated in the Microsoft Design Expo in 2007 and joined the department of Socio-Digital Systems at Microsoft Research in 2008.

In 2011 he joined Philips Healthcare as a clinical scientist in the department of Interventional X-ray in Best, the Netherlands. A year later he established a sole proprietorship and started contracting for SenDev. In 2015 he joined SenDev as an FTE.