Scaling Laws for Pre-training Agents and World Models
Tim Pearce, Tabish Rashid, Dave Bignell, Raluca Stevenson, Sam Devlin, Katja Hofmann
November 2024
Tim Pearce, Tabish Rashid, Dave Bignell, Raluca Stevenson, Sam Devlin, Katja Hofmann
November 2024
David Lindner, Xin Chen, Sebastian Tschiatschek, Katja Hofmann, Andreas Krause
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics | April 2024
Sugandha Sharma, Guy Davidson, Khimya Khetarpal, Anssi Kanervisto, Udit Arora, Katja Hofmann, Ida Momennejad
arXiv:2402.03575 | February 2024
Published by Microsoft
Massimiliano Patacchiola, Aliaksandra Shysheya, Katja Hofmann, Richard E Turner
January 2024
Massimiliano Patacchiola, Mingfei Sun, Katja Hofmann, Richard E Turner
Conference on Lifelong Learning Agents | November 2023
Tim Pearce, Tabish Rashid, Anssi Kanervisto, Dave Bignell, Mingfei Sun, Raluca Stevenson, Sergio Valcarcel Macua, Shanzheng Tan, Ida Momennejad, Katja Hofmann, Sam Devlin
ICLR 2023 | May 2023
Mingfei Sun, Sam Devlin, Jacob Beck, Katja Hofmann, Shimon Whiteson
International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) | May 2023
Best Paper Award
Stephanie Milani, Arthur Juliani, Ida Momennejad, Raluca Stevenson, Jaroslaw Rzepecki, Alison Shaw, Gavin Costello, Fei Fang, Sam Devlin, Katja Hofmann
CHI | April 2023
Massimiliano Patacchiola, John F Bronskill, Aliaksandra Shysheya, Katja Hofmann, Sebastian Nowozin, Richard E Turner
NeurIPS 2022 | November 2022
Micah Carroll, Orr Paradise, Jessy Lin, Raluca Georgescu, Mingfei Sun, Dave Bignell, Stephanie Milani, Katja Hofmann, Matthew Hausknecht, Anca Dragan, Sam Devlin
2022 Neural Information Processing Systems | November 2022
David Lindner, Sebastian Tschiatschek, Katja Hofmann, Andreas Krause
ICML 2022 | June 2022
Evelyn Zuniga, Stephanie Milani, Guy Leroy, Jaroslaw Rzepecki, Raluca Stevenson, Ida Momennejad, Dave Bignell, Mingfei Sun, Alison Shaw, Gavin Costello, Mikhail Jacob, Sam Devlin, Katja Hofmann
CHI 2022 | April 2022
Mingfei Sun, Sam Devlin, Katja Hofmann, Shimon Whiteson
AAAI 2022 | February 2022
Laetitia Teodorescu, Katja Hofmann, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer1
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence | January 2022, Vol 4
Tristan Karch, Laetitia Teodorescu, Katja Hofmann, Clément Moulin-Frier, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
NeurIPS 2021 | December 2021
John Bronskill, Daniela Massiceti, Massimiliano Patacchiola, Katja Hofmann, Richard Turner
NeurIPS 2021 | December 2021
Lida Theodorou, Daniela Massiceti, Luisa Zintgraf, Simone Stumpf, Cecily Morrison, Ed Cutrell, Matthew Tobias Harris, Katja Hofmann
International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS) | October 2021
Daniela Massiceti, Luisa Zintgraf, John Bronskill, Lida Theodorou, Matthew Tobias Harris, Ed Cutrell, Cecily Morrison, Katja Hofmann, Simone Stumpf
ICCV 2021 | October 2021
Robert Loftin, Aadirupa Saha, Sam Devlin, Katja Hofmann
Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) 2021 | July 2021
Sam Devlin, Raluca Stevenson, Ida Momennejad, Jaroslaw Rzepecki, Evelyn Zuniga, Gavin Costello, Guy Leroy, Ali Shaw, Katja Hofmann
2021 International Conference on Machine Learning | July 2021
Source code available at:
Luisa Zintgraf, Leo Feng, Cong Lu, Maximilian Igl, Kristian Hartikainen, Katja Hofmann, Shimon Whiteson
2021 International Conference on Machine Learning | July 2021
Clément Romac, Rémy Portelas, Katja Hofmann, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
2021 International Conference on Machine Learning | July 2021
Luisa Zintgraf, Sam Devlin, Kamil Ciosek, Shimon Whiteson, Katja Hofmann
20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems | May 2021
Paul Knott, Micah Carroll, Sam Devlin, Kamil Ciosek, Katja Hofmann, Anca Dragan, Rohin Shah
20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems | May 2021
Mikhail Jacob, Sam Devlin, Katja Hofmann
16th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment | October 2020
Best paper award winner.
Steindór Sæmundsson, Alexander Terenin, Katja Hofmann, Marc Peter Deisenroth
Twenty-Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) | June 2020
Ian A. Kash, Michael Sullins, Katja Hofmann
2020 Adaptive Agents and Multi-Agents Systems | May 2020
Aristide Tossou, Christos Dimitrakakis, Jaroslaw Rzepecki, Katja Hofmann
International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) | May 2020
Jacob Beck, Kamil Ciosek, Sam Devlin, Sebastian Tschiatschek, Cheng Zhang, Katja Hofmann
Eighth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) | April 2020
Kamil Ciosek, Vincent Fortuin, Ryota Tomioka, Katja Hofmann, Richard Turner
Eighth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) | April 2020
Luisa Zintgraf, Kyriacos Shiarlis, Maximilian Igl, Sebastian Schulze, Yarin Gal, Katja Hofmann, Shimon Whiteson
Eighth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) | April 2020
Rémy Portelas, Cédric Colas, Lilian Weng, Katja Hofmann, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence | March 2020
Maximilian Igl, Kamil Ciosek, Yingzhen Li, Sebastian Tschiatschek, Cheng Zhang, Sam Devlin, Katja Hofmann
Thirty-third Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) | December 2019
Kamil Ciosek, Quan Vuong, Robert Loftin, Katja Hofmann
33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) | December 2019
Thirty-third Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) | December 2019
David Janz, Jiri Hron, Przemysław Mazur, Katja Hofmann, Jose Miguel Hernandez Lobato, Sebastian Tschiatschek
Thirty-third Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) | December 2019
William H Guss, Cayden Codel, Katja Hofmann, Brandon Houghton, Noboru Sean Kuno, Stephanie Milani, Sharada Mohanty, Diego Perez Liebana, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Nicholay Topin, Manuela Veloso, Philip Wang
Thirty-third Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) Competition track | December 2019
Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (ChiPlay) | November 2019
Opening keynote (extended abstract)
Rémy Portelas, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, Cédric Colas, Katja Hofmann
Third Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) | October 2019
Luke Harries, Sebastian Lee, Jaroslaw Rzepecki, Katja Hofmann, Sam Devlin
IEEE Conference on Games | August 2019
Dino Ratcliffe, Katja Hofmann, Sam Devlin
IEEE Conference on Games | August 2019
Luisa Zintgraf, Kyriacos Shiarlis, Vitaly Kurin, Katja Hofmann, Shimon Whiteson
Thirty-sixth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) | June 2019
Diego Perez-Liebana, Katja Hofmann, Sharada Prasanna Mohanty, Noboru Sean Kuno, Andre Kramer, Sam Devlin, Raluca D. Gaina, Daniel Ionita
1901.08129 | January 2019
Published by Arxiv
Fraser Allison, Ewa Luger, Katja Hofmann
Transactions of the Digital Games Research Association | December 2018, Vol 4(2): pp. 1-49
Ian Kash, Katja Hofmann
The 14th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL 2018) | October 2018
Also presented at the AAAI-19 workshop on Reinforcement Learning in Games.
Yuxiang Li, Ian Kash, Katja Hofmann
The 14th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL 2018) | October 2018
Yanan Sui, Masrour Zoghi, Katja Hofmann, Yisong Yue
Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence | July 2018
Justas Dauparas, Ryota Tomioka, Katja Hofmann
ICML workshop on Exploration in RL | July 2018
Steindór Sæmundsson, Katja Hofmann, Marc Peter Deisenroth
Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) | May 2018
Sebastian Tschiatschek, Kai Arulkumaran, Jan Stuehmer, Katja Hofmann
MSR-TR-2018-15 | May 2018
Published by Microsoft
Daniel Cohen, Bhaskar Mitra, Katja Hofmann, W. Bruce Croft
Proceedings of the 41st international ACM SIGIR conference on Research & development in information retrieval | May 2018
Best Short Research Paper
José Hérnandez-Orallo, Marco Baroni, Jordi Bieger, Nader Chmait, David L. Dowe, Katja Hofmann, Fernando Martínez-Plumed, Claes Strannegård, Kristinn R. Thórisson
AI Magazine | September 2017, Vol 38
Felix Leibfried, Nate Kushman, Katja Hofmann
ICML workshop on Principled Approaches to Deep Learning | August 2017
Mathew Monfort, Matthew Johnson, Aude Oliva, Katja Hofmann
AAMAS '17 Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems | May 2017
Fraser Allison, Ewa Luger, Katja Hofmann
CHI EA '17 Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems | May 2017
Vitaly Kurin, Sebastian Nowozin, Katja Hofmann, Lucas Beyer, Bastian Leibe
MSR-TR-2017-61 | May 2017
Published by Microsoft
Christoph Dann, Katja Hofmann, Sebastian Nowozin
The 13th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL) 2016 | December 2016
Also presented at the Interpretable ML for Complex Systems Workshop at NeurIPS 2016
Lydia T. Liu, Urun Dogan, Katja Hofmann
The 13th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL) 2016 | December 2016
Also presented at the 11th Women in Machine Learning Workshop and the Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop at NeurIPS 2016.
Philipp Geiger, Katja Hofmann, Bernhard Schölkopf
6th International Workshop on Combinations of Intelligent Methods and Applications | August 2016
6th International Workshop on Combinations of Intelligent Methods and Applications
Matthew Johnson, Katja Hofmann, Tm Hutton, David Bignell, Katja Hofmann
25th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-16) | July 2016
Katja Hofmann, Lihong Li, Filip Radlinski
Foundations and Trends® in Information Retrieval | June 2016, Vol 10: pp. 1-117
Konstantina Christakopoulou, Filip Radlinski, Katja Hofmann
22nd ACM SigKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining | June 2016
Weinan Zhang, Ulrich Paquet, Katja Hofmann
Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2016) | February 2016
Anne Schuth, Katja Hofmann, Filip Radlinski
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR) | August 2015
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR)
Miro Dudík, Katja Hofmann, Robert E. Schapire, Aleksandrs Slivkins, Masrour Zoghi
Proceedings of The 28th Conference on Learning Theory (COLT) | July 2015
Proceedings of The 28th Conference on Learning Theory (COLT)
Yiwei Chen, Katja Hofmann
Proceedings of the 24th international conference on World Wide Web (WWW) | May 2015
Katja Hofmann, Bhaskar Mitra, Filip Radlinski, Milad Shokouhi
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) | November 2014
Bhaskar Mitra, Milad Shokouhi, Filip Radlinski, Katja Hofmann
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR) | July 2014
Katja Hofmann, Anne Schuth, Alejandro Bellogin, Maarten de Rijke
36th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR'14) | January 2014
Anne Schuth, Katja Hofmann, Shimon Whiteson, Maarten de Rijke
Living Lab'13: Workshop on Living Labs for Information Retrieval Evaluation | January 2013
Living Lab'13: Workshop on Living Labs for Information Retrieval Evaluation
Tim Pearce, Tabish Rashid, Dave Bignell, Raluca Stevenson, Sam Devlin, Katja Hofmann
November 2024
David Lindner, Xin Chen, Sebastian Tschiatschek, Katja Hofmann, Andreas Krause
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics | April 2024
Sugandha Sharma, Guy Davidson, Khimya Khetarpal, Anssi Kanervisto, Udit Arora, Katja Hofmann, Ida Momennejad
arXiv:2402.03575 | February 2024
Published by Microsoft
Massimiliano Patacchiola, Aliaksandra Shysheya, Katja Hofmann, Richard E Turner
January 2024
Massimiliano Patacchiola, Mingfei Sun, Katja Hofmann, Richard E Turner
Conference on Lifelong Learning Agents | November 2023
Mingfei Sun, Sam Devlin, Jacob Beck, Katja Hofmann, Shimon Whiteson
International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) | May 2023
Best Paper Award
Tim Pearce, Tabish Rashid, Anssi Kanervisto, Dave Bignell, Mingfei Sun, Raluca Stevenson, Sergio Valcarcel Macua, Shanzheng Tan, Ida Momennejad, Katja Hofmann, Sam Devlin
ICLR 2023 | May 2023
Stephanie Milani, Arthur Juliani, Ida Momennejad, Raluca Stevenson, Jaroslaw Rzepecki, Alison Shaw, Gavin Costello, Fei Fang, Sam Devlin, Katja Hofmann
CHI | April 2023
Massimiliano Patacchiola, John F Bronskill, Aliaksandra Shysheya, Katja Hofmann, Sebastian Nowozin, Richard E Turner
NeurIPS 2022 | November 2022
Micah Carroll, Orr Paradise, Jessy Lin, Raluca Georgescu, Mingfei Sun, Dave Bignell, Stephanie Milani, Katja Hofmann, Matthew Hausknecht, Anca Dragan, Sam Devlin
2022 Neural Information Processing Systems | November 2022
David Lindner, Sebastian Tschiatschek, Katja Hofmann, Andreas Krause
ICML 2022 | June 2022
Mingfei Sun, Sam Devlin, Katja Hofmann, Shimon Whiteson
AAAI 2022 | February 2022
Laetitia Teodorescu, Katja Hofmann, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer1
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence | January 2022, Vol 4
Tristan Karch, Laetitia Teodorescu, Katja Hofmann, Clément Moulin-Frier, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
NeurIPS 2021 | December 2021
John Bronskill, Daniela Massiceti, Massimiliano Patacchiola, Katja Hofmann, Richard Turner
NeurIPS 2021 | December 2021
Daniela Massiceti, Luisa Zintgraf, John Bronskill, Lida Theodorou, Matthew Tobias Harris, Ed Cutrell, Cecily Morrison, Katja Hofmann, Simone Stumpf
ICCV 2021 | October 2021
Robert Loftin, Aadirupa Saha, Sam Devlin, Katja Hofmann
Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) 2021 | July 2021
Sam Devlin, Raluca Stevenson, Ida Momennejad, Jaroslaw Rzepecki, Evelyn Zuniga, Gavin Costello, Guy Leroy, Ali Shaw, Katja Hofmann
2021 International Conference on Machine Learning | July 2021
Source code available at:
Clément Romac, Rémy Portelas, Katja Hofmann, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
2021 International Conference on Machine Learning | July 2021
Luisa Zintgraf, Leo Feng, Cong Lu, Maximilian Igl, Kristian Hartikainen, Katja Hofmann, Shimon Whiteson
2021 International Conference on Machine Learning | July 2021
Luisa Zintgraf, Sam Devlin, Kamil Ciosek, Shimon Whiteson, Katja Hofmann
20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems | May 2021
Paul Knott, Micah Carroll, Sam Devlin, Kamil Ciosek, Katja Hofmann, Anca Dragan, Rohin Shah
20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems | May 2021
Mikhail Jacob, Sam Devlin, Katja Hofmann
16th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment | October 2020
Best paper award winner.
Steindór Sæmundsson, Alexander Terenin, Katja Hofmann, Marc Peter Deisenroth
Twenty-Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) | June 2020
Ian A. Kash, Michael Sullins, Katja Hofmann
2020 Adaptive Agents and Multi-Agents Systems | May 2020
Aristide Tossou, Christos Dimitrakakis, Jaroslaw Rzepecki, Katja Hofmann
International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) | May 2020
Luisa Zintgraf, Kyriacos Shiarlis, Maximilian Igl, Sebastian Schulze, Yarin Gal, Katja Hofmann, Shimon Whiteson
Eighth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) | April 2020
Kamil Ciosek, Vincent Fortuin, Ryota Tomioka, Katja Hofmann, Richard Turner
Eighth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) | April 2020
Jacob Beck, Kamil Ciosek, Sam Devlin, Sebastian Tschiatschek, Cheng Zhang, Katja Hofmann
Eighth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) | April 2020
Maximilian Igl, Kamil Ciosek, Yingzhen Li, Sebastian Tschiatschek, Cheng Zhang, Sam Devlin, Katja Hofmann
Thirty-third Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) | December 2019
Kamil Ciosek, Quan Vuong, Robert Loftin, Katja Hofmann
33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) | December 2019
Thirty-third Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) | December 2019
David Janz, Jiri Hron, Przemysław Mazur, Katja Hofmann, Jose Miguel Hernandez Lobato, Sebastian Tschiatschek
Thirty-third Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) | December 2019
William H Guss, Cayden Codel, Katja Hofmann, Brandon Houghton, Noboru Sean Kuno, Stephanie Milani, Sharada Mohanty, Diego Perez Liebana, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Nicholay Topin, Manuela Veloso, Philip Wang
Thirty-third Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) Competition track | December 2019
Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (ChiPlay) | November 2019
Opening keynote (extended abstract)
Rémy Portelas, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, Cédric Colas, Katja Hofmann
Third Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) | October 2019
Luke Harries, Sebastian Lee, Jaroslaw Rzepecki, Katja Hofmann, Sam Devlin
IEEE Conference on Games | August 2019
Dino Ratcliffe, Katja Hofmann, Sam Devlin
IEEE Conference on Games | August 2019
Luisa Zintgraf, Kyriacos Shiarlis, Vitaly Kurin, Katja Hofmann, Shimon Whiteson
Thirty-sixth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) | June 2019
Diego Perez-Liebana, Katja Hofmann, Sharada Prasanna Mohanty, Noboru Sean Kuno, Andre Kramer, Sam Devlin, Raluca D. Gaina, Daniel Ionita
1901.08129 | January 2019
Published by Arxiv
Fraser Allison, Ewa Luger, Katja Hofmann
Transactions of the Digital Games Research Association | December 2018, Vol 4(2): pp. 1-49
Ian Kash, Katja Hofmann
The 14th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL 2018) | October 2018
Also presented at the AAAI-19 workshop on Reinforcement Learning in Games.
Yuxiang Li, Ian Kash, Katja Hofmann
The 14th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL 2018) | October 2018
Yanan Sui, Masrour Zoghi, Katja Hofmann, Yisong Yue
Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence | July 2018
Justas Dauparas, Ryota Tomioka, Katja Hofmann
ICML workshop on Exploration in RL | July 2018
Steindór Sæmundsson, Katja Hofmann, Marc Peter Deisenroth
Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) | May 2018
Sebastian Tschiatschek, Kai Arulkumaran, Jan Stuehmer, Katja Hofmann
MSR-TR-2018-15 | May 2018
Published by Microsoft
Daniel Cohen, Bhaskar Mitra, Katja Hofmann, W. Bruce Croft
Proceedings of the 41st international ACM SIGIR conference on Research & development in information retrieval | May 2018
Best Short Research Paper
José Hérnandez-Orallo, Marco Baroni, Jordi Bieger, Nader Chmait, David L. Dowe, Katja Hofmann, Fernando Martínez-Plumed, Claes Strannegård, Kristinn R. Thórisson
AI Magazine | September 2017, Vol 38
Felix Leibfried, Nate Kushman, Katja Hofmann
ICML workshop on Principled Approaches to Deep Learning | August 2017
Mathew Monfort, Matthew Johnson, Aude Oliva, Katja Hofmann
AAMAS '17 Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems | May 2017
Fraser Allison, Ewa Luger, Katja Hofmann
CHI EA '17 Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems | May 2017
Vitaly Kurin, Sebastian Nowozin, Katja Hofmann, Lucas Beyer, Bastian Leibe
MSR-TR-2017-61 | May 2017
Published by Microsoft
Christoph Dann, Katja Hofmann, Sebastian Nowozin
The 13th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL) 2016 | December 2016
Also presented at the Interpretable ML for Complex Systems Workshop at NeurIPS 2016
Lydia T. Liu, Urun Dogan, Katja Hofmann
The 13th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL) 2016 | December 2016
Also presented at the 11th Women in Machine Learning Workshop and the Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop at NeurIPS 2016.
Philipp Geiger, Katja Hofmann, Bernhard Schölkopf
6th International Workshop on Combinations of Intelligent Methods and Applications | August 2016
6th International Workshop on Combinations of Intelligent Methods and Applications
Matthew Johnson, Katja Hofmann, Tm Hutton, David Bignell, Katja Hofmann
25th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-16) | July 2016
Weinan Zhang, Ulrich Paquet, Katja Hofmann
Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2016) | February 2016
Miro Dudík, Katja Hofmann, Robert E. Schapire, Aleksandrs Slivkins, Masrour Zoghi
Proceedings of The 28th Conference on Learning Theory (COLT) | July 2015
Proceedings of The 28th Conference on Learning Theory (COLT)
Yiwei Chen, Katja Hofmann
Proceedings of the 24th international conference on World Wide Web (WWW) | May 2015
Katja Hofmann, Bhaskar Mitra, Filip Radlinski, Milad Shokouhi
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) | November 2014
Evelyn Zuniga, Stephanie Milani, Guy Leroy, Jaroslaw Rzepecki, Raluca Stevenson, Ida Momennejad, Dave Bignell, Mingfei Sun, Alison Shaw, Gavin Costello, Mikhail Jacob, Sam Devlin, Katja Hofmann
CHI 2022 | April 2022
Lida Theodorou, Daniela Massiceti, Luisa Zintgraf, Simone Stumpf, Cecily Morrison, Ed Cutrell, Matthew Tobias Harris, Katja Hofmann
International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS) | October 2021
Daniela Massiceti, Luisa Zintgraf, John Bronskill, Lida Theodorou, Matthew Tobias Harris, Ed Cutrell, Cecily Morrison, Katja Hofmann, Simone Stumpf
ICCV 2021 | October 2021
Rémy Portelas, Cédric Colas, Lilian Weng, Katja Hofmann, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence | March 2020
Fraser Allison, Ewa Luger, Katja Hofmann
Transactions of the Digital Games Research Association | December 2018, Vol 4(2): pp. 1-49
Fraser Allison, Ewa Luger, Katja Hofmann
CHI EA '17 Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems | May 2017
Katja Hofmann, Bhaskar Mitra, Filip Radlinski, Milad Shokouhi
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) | November 2014
Daniela Massiceti, Luisa Zintgraf, John Bronskill, Lida Theodorou, Matthew Tobias Harris, Ed Cutrell, Cecily Morrison, Katja Hofmann, Simone Stumpf
ICCV 2021 | October 2021
Mathew Monfort, Matthew Johnson, Aude Oliva, Katja Hofmann
AAMAS '17 Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems | May 2017
Daniel Cohen, Bhaskar Mitra, Katja Hofmann, W. Bruce Croft
Proceedings of the 41st international ACM SIGIR conference on Research & development in information retrieval | May 2018
Best Short Research Paper
Katja Hofmann, Lihong Li, Filip Radlinski
Foundations and Trends® in Information Retrieval | June 2016, Vol 10: pp. 1-117
Konstantina Christakopoulou, Filip Radlinski, Katja Hofmann
22nd ACM SigKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining | June 2016
Anne Schuth, Katja Hofmann, Filip Radlinski
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR) | August 2015
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR)
Yiwei Chen, Katja Hofmann
Proceedings of the 24th international conference on World Wide Web (WWW) | May 2015
Katja Hofmann, Bhaskar Mitra, Filip Radlinski, Milad Shokouhi
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) | November 2014
Bhaskar Mitra, Milad Shokouhi, Filip Radlinski, Katja Hofmann
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR) | July 2014
Katja Hofmann, Anne Schuth, Alejandro Bellogin, Maarten de Rijke
36th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR'14) | January 2014
Anne Schuth, Katja Hofmann, Shimon Whiteson, Maarten de Rijke
Living Lab'13: Workshop on Living Labs for Information Retrieval Evaluation | January 2013
Living Lab'13: Workshop on Living Labs for Information Retrieval Evaluation
David Lindner, Xin Chen, Sebastian Tschiatschek, Katja Hofmann, Andreas Krause
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics | April 2024
Massimiliano Patacchiola, Mingfei Sun, Katja Hofmann, Richard E Turner
Conference on Lifelong Learning Agents | November 2023
Mingfei Sun, Sam Devlin, Jacob Beck, Katja Hofmann, Shimon Whiteson
International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) | May 2023
Best Paper Award
Tim Pearce, Tabish Rashid, Anssi Kanervisto, Dave Bignell, Mingfei Sun, Raluca Stevenson, Sergio Valcarcel Macua, Shanzheng Tan, Ida Momennejad, Katja Hofmann, Sam Devlin
ICLR 2023 | May 2023
Stephanie Milani, Arthur Juliani, Ida Momennejad, Raluca Stevenson, Jaroslaw Rzepecki, Alison Shaw, Gavin Costello, Fei Fang, Sam Devlin, Katja Hofmann
CHI | April 2023
Massimiliano Patacchiola, John F Bronskill, Aliaksandra Shysheya, Katja Hofmann, Sebastian Nowozin, Richard E Turner
NeurIPS 2022 | November 2022
Micah Carroll, Orr Paradise, Jessy Lin, Raluca Georgescu, Mingfei Sun, Dave Bignell, Stephanie Milani, Katja Hofmann, Matthew Hausknecht, Anca Dragan, Sam Devlin
2022 Neural Information Processing Systems | November 2022
David Lindner, Sebastian Tschiatschek, Katja Hofmann, Andreas Krause
ICML 2022 | June 2022
Evelyn Zuniga, Stephanie Milani, Guy Leroy, Jaroslaw Rzepecki, Raluca Stevenson, Ida Momennejad, Dave Bignell, Mingfei Sun, Alison Shaw, Gavin Costello, Mikhail Jacob, Sam Devlin, Katja Hofmann
CHI 2022 | April 2022
Mingfei Sun, Sam Devlin, Katja Hofmann, Shimon Whiteson
AAAI 2022 | February 2022
Tristan Karch, Laetitia Teodorescu, Katja Hofmann, Clément Moulin-Frier, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
NeurIPS 2021 | December 2021
John Bronskill, Daniela Massiceti, Massimiliano Patacchiola, Katja Hofmann, Richard Turner
NeurIPS 2021 | December 2021
Lida Theodorou, Daniela Massiceti, Luisa Zintgraf, Simone Stumpf, Cecily Morrison, Ed Cutrell, Matthew Tobias Harris, Katja Hofmann
International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS) | October 2021
Daniela Massiceti, Luisa Zintgraf, John Bronskill, Lida Theodorou, Matthew Tobias Harris, Ed Cutrell, Cecily Morrison, Katja Hofmann, Simone Stumpf
ICCV 2021 | October 2021
Robert Loftin, Aadirupa Saha, Sam Devlin, Katja Hofmann
Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) 2021 | July 2021
Sam Devlin, Raluca Stevenson, Ida Momennejad, Jaroslaw Rzepecki, Evelyn Zuniga, Gavin Costello, Guy Leroy, Ali Shaw, Katja Hofmann
2021 International Conference on Machine Learning | July 2021
Source code available at:
Clément Romac, Rémy Portelas, Katja Hofmann, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
2021 International Conference on Machine Learning | July 2021
Luisa Zintgraf, Leo Feng, Cong Lu, Maximilian Igl, Kristian Hartikainen, Katja Hofmann, Shimon Whiteson
2021 International Conference on Machine Learning | July 2021
Luisa Zintgraf, Sam Devlin, Kamil Ciosek, Shimon Whiteson, Katja Hofmann
20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems | May 2021
Paul Knott, Micah Carroll, Sam Devlin, Kamil Ciosek, Katja Hofmann, Anca Dragan, Rohin Shah
20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems | May 2021
Mikhail Jacob, Sam Devlin, Katja Hofmann
16th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment | October 2020
Best paper award winner.
Steindór Sæmundsson, Alexander Terenin, Katja Hofmann, Marc Peter Deisenroth
Twenty-Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) | June 2020
Ian A. Kash, Michael Sullins, Katja Hofmann
2020 Adaptive Agents and Multi-Agents Systems | May 2020
Aristide Tossou, Christos Dimitrakakis, Jaroslaw Rzepecki, Katja Hofmann
International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) | May 2020
Luisa Zintgraf, Kyriacos Shiarlis, Maximilian Igl, Sebastian Schulze, Yarin Gal, Katja Hofmann, Shimon Whiteson
Eighth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) | April 2020
Kamil Ciosek, Vincent Fortuin, Ryota Tomioka, Katja Hofmann, Richard Turner
Eighth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) | April 2020
Jacob Beck, Kamil Ciosek, Sam Devlin, Sebastian Tschiatschek, Cheng Zhang, Katja Hofmann
Eighth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) | April 2020
Rémy Portelas, Cédric Colas, Lilian Weng, Katja Hofmann, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence | March 2020
Maximilian Igl, Kamil Ciosek, Yingzhen Li, Sebastian Tschiatschek, Cheng Zhang, Sam Devlin, Katja Hofmann
Thirty-third Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) | December 2019
Kamil Ciosek, Quan Vuong, Robert Loftin, Katja Hofmann
33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) | December 2019
Thirty-third Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) | December 2019
David Janz, Jiri Hron, Przemysław Mazur, Katja Hofmann, Jose Miguel Hernandez Lobato, Sebastian Tschiatschek
Thirty-third Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) | December 2019
William H Guss, Cayden Codel, Katja Hofmann, Brandon Houghton, Noboru Sean Kuno, Stephanie Milani, Sharada Mohanty, Diego Perez Liebana, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Nicholay Topin, Manuela Veloso, Philip Wang
Thirty-third Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) Competition track | December 2019
Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (ChiPlay) | November 2019
Opening keynote (extended abstract)
Rémy Portelas, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, Cédric Colas, Katja Hofmann
Third Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) | October 2019
Luke Harries, Sebastian Lee, Jaroslaw Rzepecki, Katja Hofmann, Sam Devlin
IEEE Conference on Games | August 2019
Dino Ratcliffe, Katja Hofmann, Sam Devlin
IEEE Conference on Games | August 2019
Luisa Zintgraf, Kyriacos Shiarlis, Vitaly Kurin, Katja Hofmann, Shimon Whiteson
Thirty-sixth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) | June 2019
Ian Kash, Katja Hofmann
The 14th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL 2018) | October 2018
Also presented at the AAAI-19 workshop on Reinforcement Learning in Games.
Yuxiang Li, Ian Kash, Katja Hofmann
The 14th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL 2018) | October 2018
Yanan Sui, Masrour Zoghi, Katja Hofmann, Yisong Yue
Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence | July 2018
Justas Dauparas, Ryota Tomioka, Katja Hofmann
ICML workshop on Exploration in RL | July 2018
Steindór Sæmundsson, Katja Hofmann, Marc Peter Deisenroth
Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) | May 2018
Daniel Cohen, Bhaskar Mitra, Katja Hofmann, W. Bruce Croft
Proceedings of the 41st international ACM SIGIR conference on Research & development in information retrieval | May 2018
Best Short Research Paper
Felix Leibfried, Nate Kushman, Katja Hofmann
ICML workshop on Principled Approaches to Deep Learning | August 2017
Mathew Monfort, Matthew Johnson, Aude Oliva, Katja Hofmann
AAMAS '17 Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems | May 2017
Fraser Allison, Ewa Luger, Katja Hofmann
CHI EA '17 Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems | May 2017
Christoph Dann, Katja Hofmann, Sebastian Nowozin
The 13th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL) 2016 | December 2016
Also presented at the Interpretable ML for Complex Systems Workshop at NeurIPS 2016
Lydia T. Liu, Urun Dogan, Katja Hofmann
The 13th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL) 2016 | December 2016
Also presented at the 11th Women in Machine Learning Workshop and the Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop at NeurIPS 2016.
Philipp Geiger, Katja Hofmann, Bernhard Schölkopf
6th International Workshop on Combinations of Intelligent Methods and Applications | August 2016
6th International Workshop on Combinations of Intelligent Methods and Applications
Matthew Johnson, Katja Hofmann, Tm Hutton, David Bignell, Katja Hofmann
25th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-16) | July 2016
Konstantina Christakopoulou, Filip Radlinski, Katja Hofmann
22nd ACM SigKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining | June 2016
Weinan Zhang, Ulrich Paquet, Katja Hofmann
Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2016) | February 2016
Anne Schuth, Katja Hofmann, Filip Radlinski
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR) | August 2015
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR)
Miro Dudík, Katja Hofmann, Robert E. Schapire, Aleksandrs Slivkins, Masrour Zoghi
Proceedings of The 28th Conference on Learning Theory (COLT) | July 2015
Proceedings of The 28th Conference on Learning Theory (COLT)
Yiwei Chen, Katja Hofmann
Proceedings of the 24th international conference on World Wide Web (WWW) | May 2015
Katja Hofmann, Bhaskar Mitra, Filip Radlinski, Milad Shokouhi
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) | November 2014
Bhaskar Mitra, Milad Shokouhi, Filip Radlinski, Katja Hofmann
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR) | July 2014
Katja Hofmann, Anne Schuth, Alejandro Bellogin, Maarten de Rijke
36th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR'14) | January 2014
Anne Schuth, Katja Hofmann, Shimon Whiteson, Maarten de Rijke
Living Lab'13: Workshop on Living Labs for Information Retrieval Evaluation | January 2013
Living Lab'13: Workshop on Living Labs for Information Retrieval Evaluation
Tim Pearce, Tabish Rashid, Dave Bignell, Raluca Stevenson, Sam Devlin, Katja Hofmann
November 2024
Massimiliano Patacchiola, Aliaksandra Shysheya, Katja Hofmann, Richard E Turner
January 2024
Sugandha Sharma, Guy Davidson, Khimya Khetarpal, Anssi Kanervisto, Udit Arora, Katja Hofmann, Ida Momennejad
arXiv:2402.03575 | February 2024
Published by Microsoft
Diego Perez-Liebana, Katja Hofmann, Sharada Prasanna Mohanty, Noboru Sean Kuno, Andre Kramer, Sam Devlin, Raluca D. Gaina, Daniel Ionita
1901.08129 | January 2019
Published by Arxiv
Sebastian Tschiatschek, Kai Arulkumaran, Jan Stuehmer, Katja Hofmann
MSR-TR-2018-15 | May 2018
Published by Microsoft
Vitaly Kurin, Sebastian Nowozin, Katja Hofmann, Lucas Beyer, Bastian Leibe
MSR-TR-2017-61 | May 2017
Published by Microsoft
Laetitia Teodorescu, Katja Hofmann, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer1
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence | January 2022, Vol 4
Fraser Allison, Ewa Luger, Katja Hofmann
Transactions of the Digital Games Research Association | December 2018, Vol 4(2): pp. 1-49
José Hérnandez-Orallo, Marco Baroni, Jordi Bieger, Nader Chmait, David L. Dowe, Katja Hofmann, Fernando Martínez-Plumed, Claes Strannegård, Kristinn R. Thórisson
AI Magazine | September 2017, Vol 38
Katja Hofmann, Lihong Li, Filip Radlinski
Foundations and Trends® in Information Retrieval | June 2016, Vol 10: pp. 1-117