Portrait of Karen Easterbrook

Karen Easterbrook

Senior Director

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I am the Senior Director of the Cryptography team in Microsoft Research. My team’s work includes ongoing research on post-quantum cryptography, including work on secure high-performance versions of PQC on hardware, on quantum cryptanalysis, foundational cryptographic algorithms, privacy-preserving protocols and algorithms, end-to-end verifiable elections, and cryptographically-protected reputation. I am also the co-owner of the Microsoft Crypto Board.

I have been in Research at Microsoft since 2004, working on a variety of projects including the “Venice” mesh networking incubation, many-core hardware, searchable encryption, homomorphic encryption, various ECC projects, post-quantum cryptography, societal resilience, provenance, and cryptographic policy.

Prior to joining MSR, I worked on visualization and management tools and infrastructure for IT in Visio and Windows.  I’ve shipped 10 products as a PM or Lead PM, including some interesting work in TCP/IP network discovery, agent-less management of distributed systems, and multi-layered network and distributed systems visualization.  My career started in IT, where I worked for 13 years designing and managing networks and distributed systems, including 4 years at Boeing as an Architect on the 777 program.

I have a B.A. in History from Stanford University.