Portrait of Mei Chen

Mei Chen

Principal Research Manager

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Publication Awards & Patents

Finalist for Best Paper Award, with A. Tareef, Y. Song, W. Cai, and D. Feng. 13th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics & Vision, Singapore, 2014.

Finalist for Best Paper Award, with Y. Liu, H. Ishikawa, G. Wollstein, J. Schuman, and J. M. Rehg. 13th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Beijing, China, 2010.

Finalist for Best Paper Award, with Z. Yin, R. Bise, and T. Kanade. 13th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Beijing, China, 2010.

Best Paper Award, with L. Yang, N. Zheng, Y. Yang, and J. Yang. 9th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), Xi’an, China, 2009.

Best Paper Award, with K. Li and T. Kanade. 10th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Brisbane, Australia, 2007.

Best Paper Award, with T. Kanade, D. Pomerleau, and H. A. Rowley. NASA/Goddard Image Registration Workshop (IRW), Greenbelt, Maryland, 1997.


  1. Y. Yu, G. Mittal, M. Chen, J. Yuan. Asymmetric Mixed-Modal Moderation, US Patent App. 412776-US-NP.
  2. Y. Yu, G. Mittal, M. Chen, J. Yuan. Bilateral Attention Transformer in Motion-Appearance Neighboring Space for Video Object Segmentation, US Patent App. 411986-US-PSP.
  3. G Mittal, Y Yu, M Chen, J Chen. Video Frame Action Detection Using Gated History. US Patent App. 411844-US-NP.
  4. G. Mittal, J. Patravali, Y. Yu, M. Chen. Leveraging Unsupervised Meta-Learning to Boost Few-Shot Action Recognition, 410507-US-NP.
  5. Y. Yu, Y. Gong, G. Mittal, M. Chen. Knowledge Balancing Self-distillation with Adaptive Mutual Information, 410486-US-NP.
  6. V. Fragoso, J. Kozerawski, G. Mittal, N. Karianakis, M. Chen. Image Generation using Adversarial Attacks for Imbalanced Datasets, 410141-US-NP.
  7. X. Dai, D. Chen, Y. Chen, M. Liu, Y. Yu, Z. Liu, M. Chen, L. Yuan. Weak Neural Architecture Search (NAS) predictor, 409120-US-NP.
  8. Y. Chen, X. Dai, M. Liu, D. Chen, Y. Yu, L. Yuan, Z. Liu, M. Chen. Dynamic Matrix Convolution with Channel Fusion, 409121-US-NP.
  9. G. Mittal, C. Liu, N. Karianakis, V. Fragoso, M. Chen, Task-aware recommendation of hyperparameter configurations, 11544561.
  10. V. Fragoso, M. Chen, G. Takacs. Prior informed pose and scale estimation. 11443455.
  11. H. Ishikawa, G. Wollstein, J. Schuman, Y. Liu, J. Rehg, M. Chen. Automated macular pathology diagnosis in three-dimensional (3D) spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) images, US 8,712,505.
  12. M. Chen. Enhancing image resolution, US 8,036,494.
  13. M. Chen. Color registration in a digital video, US 7,924,922.
  14. M. Chen. Image processing apparatus and associated method, US 7,783,699.
  15. M. Chen. Image registration based on concentric image partitions, US2007/0280555.
  16. M. Chen. Method and system for estimating displacement in a pair of images, US 2005/0084135.
  17. X. Lin, T. Zhang, C. Atkins, G. Vordran, M. Chen, C. Untilis, S. Cheatle, D. Lee. System and method for producing a page using frames of a video stream. US 7,760,956.
  18. M. Chen. Image Processing System and Method, US 7,730,406.
  19. M. Chen. Combining Multiple Exposure Images to Increase Dynamic Range, US 7,623,683.
  20. J. Yen, M. Chen, R. Samadani, P. Obrador, H. Luo. Providing Optimized Digital Images, US 7,595,823.
  21. M. Chen. Stabilizing a Sequence of Image Frames, US 7,433,497.
  22. M. Chen. Computing Dissimilarity Measures, US 7,388,987.
  23. N. Venkata, N. Chang, D. Mukherjee, M. Chen, K. Lin. Motion Estimation for Compression of Calibrated Multi-View Image Sequences, US 7,286,689.
  24. M. Chen. Method for Image Stabilization by Adaptive Filtering, US 7,254,279.
  25. D. Silverstein, M. Chen, D. Mukherjee, A. Said, N. Ray. Image Transmission for low bandwidth with region of interest, US 6,882,755.