Portrait of Ming Gong (YIMING)

Ming Gong (YIMING)

Principle Applied Scientist Manager, Microsoft STCA Search & Distribution


Sorted by the acceptance time (latest first).

  1. Personalized Multilingual Content Recommendation based on Robust Feature Network 2023. (MS# 412659-CN-NP).
  2. Sequential Recommendation based on Cross-Domain Behavior Data. 2023. MS# 412874-CN-NP.
  3. Establishing A Language Model Adapted To A Cross-lingual Sequence Labeling Task. 2022. MS# 411268-CN-NP.
  4. Lexicon-Enhanced Self-Supervised Training for Multilingual Dense Retrieval. 2022. MS# 412496-CN-NP.
  5. Temporal Co-Contrastive Learning-Based Node Representation Generation. 2022. MS# 411267-CN-NP.
  6. Universal Recipe Personalized Recommendation System Based On Robust Ingredients Network. 2023.
  7. Sequential Recommendation Based On Dual Contrastive Interest Learning. 2022. MS# 411269-CN-NP.
  8. Sentence Representation Generation for Cross-lingual Retrieval. 2022. MS# 411088-CN-NP.
  9. Content Recommendation Based On Graph Enhanced Collaborative Filtering. 2022. MS# 410901-CN-NP.
  10. Automatically Generating A Controversial Poll. 2022. MS# 410967-CN-NP.
  11. Determining Representative Facts for a Target Entity. 2022. MS# 410555-CN-NP
  12. Representation Learning of Cross-Language Texts. 2021. MS# 409565-CN-NP
  13. Hierarchical Representation Learning of User Interest. 2021.  MS# 410462-CN-NP
  14. Question Generation from Queries. 2021. MS# 410241-CN-NP
  15. Representation Learning of Semi-structured Data. 2020. MS#: 408908-CN-NP.
  16. Model Selection Learning for Knowledge Distillation. 2020. MS# 408426-CN-NP
  17. Providing QA Training Data and Training a QA Model based on Implicit Relevance Feedbacks. 2020. MS# 407927-CN-NP
  18. Contrastive Learning for Question Answering. 2020. MS# 407988-CN-NP
  19. Model Generation based Model Compression. 2019. MS# 406805-CN-NP
  20. Cross-Lingual Task Training. 2019. MS# 406497-CN-NP
  21. Assertion-based Question Answering with Question-Aware Open Information Extraction. 2019. US WO2019118257A1