Portrait of Nikhil Swamy

Nikhil Swamy

Senior Principal Researcher



I am organizing a new event, the Developing Secure Systems Summit (DS3). Stay tuned for more information.

I have been in the past or am currently the co-chair of SecDev 2019 (opens in new tab), PLAS 2013 and PLPV 2012. (opens in new tab)

I often serve on program committees for various programming languages and computer security venues. A partial list of some venues that I have served

IEEE Security & Privacy Oakland 2019 (opens in new tab), Euro S&P 2018 (opens in new tab) Oakland 2017 (opens in new tab),  Oakland 2016 (opens in new tab),

ACM Principles of Programming Languages: POPL 2019 (opens in new tab), POPL 2014 (opens in new tab)

ACM International Conference on Functional Programming: ICFP 2017 (opens in new tab)ICFP 2013 (opens in new tab)

Computer Security Foundations: CSF 2020 (opens in new tab) CSF 2015 (opens in new tab) CSF 2012 (opens in new tab), CSF 2011 (opens in new tab),

ETAPS European Symposium on Programming: ESOP 2020 (opens in new tab)

ACM Certified Programs and Proofs: CPP 2020 (opens in new tab)

Others: ML 2016 (opens in new tab) (I’m also on the steering committee of the awesome ML workshop), POST 2016 (opens in new tab), POST 2014, DTP 2013, , PLACES 2013 (opens in new tab), TFP 2013, HOPE 2012 (opens in new tab)TFP 2012 (opens in new tab),  PLACES 2012 (opens in new tab)POST 2012 (opens in new tab),PLAS 2011 (opens in new tab), FTfJP 2010 (opens in new tab)

Some recent talks, random stuff:

Proofs of Correctness and Security for Programs that Mix C and Assembly (opens in new tab) Seminar at INRIA, Paris; October 9, 2019

Formal Verification with F* and Meta-F* (opens in new tab) Lectures and tutorial at ECI 2019 (opens in new tab) in Buenos Aires

Verifying Low-Level Code for Correctness and Security (opens in new tab) Lectures at the Oregon Programming Language Summer School (2019) (opens in new tab)

Verifying Imperative Programs with Functional Programming (opens in new tab) Keynote Talk at Trends in Functional Programming (TFP) 2019 (opens in new tab)

People of POPL interview with Jean Yang (opens in new tab)

Functional Geekery (opens in new tab)(podcast interview about F*) 2016

Dijkstra monads for free: A framework for deriving and extending F*’s effectful semantics; (opens in new tab) Invited talk at ITP 2016 (Interactive Theorem Proving)

The ICFP Contest 2013: Calibrating research on program synthesis; Contest chairs’ report at the International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP), 2013

Certified correctness for higher order programs; Invited talk at VSTTE (Verified Software: Theories, Tools and Experiments) 2013

Taming JavaScript with F*; Keynote at HCSS (High Confidence Software and Systems) 2013

Some of my old (pre-2008) projects are available from University of Maryland’s programming languages research group (opens in new tab).