Portrait of Rich Draves

Rich Draves

Partner Architect

Professional Activities

Program committee, ASPLOS 2010.

Review committee, ISCA 2009.

Program co-chair, OSDI 2008.

Program committee, ASPLOS 2008.

Program committee, SOSP 2007.

Program committee, SIGCOMM 2007 Workshop on “IPv6 and the Future of the Internet”.

Program committee, WIOSCA 2007.

Executive Director, Internet Architecture Board (IAB), from April 2005 through April 2006.

Voting member & IETF representative, ICANN NomCom 2005.

Program committee, SIGCOMM 2005.

Non-voting advisor, IETF NomCom 2004.

Chair, IETF NomCom 2003.

Voting member, IETF NomCom 2002.

Member, Defense Science Study Group 2002-2003.

Program chair, Fourth USENIX Windows Systems Symposium.

Program committee, Seventh Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems.

Program committee, 16th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles.

Program committee, Second Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation.