Portrait of Shuo Chen

Shuo Chen

Senior Principal Researcher

Press Coverage

About our CCS’13 paper
iOS and Android weaknesses allow stealthy pilfering of website credentials (opens in new tab), Ars Technica, August 27, 2013

About our Oakland’12 paper
Study Finds Major Weaknesses in Single Sign-on Systems (opens in new tab), Network World, March 27, 2012
Flawed sign-in services from Google and Facebook imperil user account (opens in new tab), Ars Technica, March 25, 2012
Trial finds EIGHT WAYS to defeat Google, PayPal and other SSOs (opens in new tab), The Register, March 20, 2012
Researchers discover flaws in SSO that leave websites vulnerable (opens in new tab), Infosecurity, March 20
Web Services Single Sign-On Contain Big Flaws (opens in new tab), Dark Reading, March 19, 2012
Researchers discover “worrisome” authentication flaws in many online services (opens in new tab), ZDNet, March 16, 2012

About our finding of an OpenID authentication bug
OpenID Warns Of Serious Bug (opens in new tab), InformationWeek, May 9, 2011
OpenID warns of ‘psychic paper’ authentication attack (opens in new tab), Register, May 9, 2011
OpenID Foundation warns of identity transmission bug (opens in new tab), ZDNet UK, May 9, 2011
OpenID Foundation Warns Websites of Authentication Flaw (opens in new tab), eWeek, May 9, 2011

About our Oakland’11 paper
How to Shop for Free Online (opens in new tab) (video interview), Channel 9, May 17, 2011
Vulnerabilities in Online Payment Systems (opens in new tab), Schneier on Security, May 9, 2011

(Shaz Qadeer and I didn’t directly participate in the following interviews because of a non-academic reason.)
Researchers find major flaws in online payment systems (opens in new tab). CNN, April 13, 2011.
Exploit-wielding boffins go on free online shopping binge — World’s biggest e-commerce sites wide open (opens in new tab), Register, April 12, 2011
Could criminals shop for free online? (opens in new tab) CNET, April 11, 2011
Security Researchers Exploit Logic Flaws to Shop for Free Online (opens in new tab), Network World, April 11, 2011

About our finding of a Facebook authentication bug

About our Oakland’10 paper
Side Channel Attacks in SSL (opens in new tab), ha.ckers.org, June 21st, 2010
SaaS Apps May Leak Data Even When Encrypted, Study Says (opens in new tab), Dark Reading, March 26th, 2010
Side-Channel Attacks on Encrypted Web Traffic (opens in new tab), Schneier on Security, March 26th, 2010
Researchers sound alarm on Web app “side channel” data leaks (opens in new tab), Network World, March 25th, 2010
Your health, tax, and search data siphoned: Software-as-a-service springs SSL leak (opens in new tab), The Register, March 23rd, 2010.
Side-Channel Leaks in Web Applications (opens in new tab), Freedom To Tinker, March 23rd, 2010

About our Oakland’09 paper
Browser flaws expose users to man-in-the-middle attacks (opens in new tab), ZDNet, August 7th, 2009
Mozilla patches 11 Firefox bugs, six critical. Plugs SSL hole reported by Microsoft researchers (opens in new tab), Computer World, June 12, 2009
Breaking Web Browsers’ Trust (opens in new tab), Technology Review, May 21st, 2009