Portrait of Q. Vera Liao

Q. Vera Liao

Principal Researcher


I am a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research Montreal where I am part of the FATE group. (opens in new tab) I am a human-computer interaction (HCI) by training and have broad interests in human-AI interaction. Most recently I have been working on explainable AI and responsible AI. Before joining MSR, I worked at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center and studied at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Tsinghua University.

My research received multiple paper awards at ACM and AAAI venues. I serve as the Co-Editor-in-Chief for Springer HCI Series, and on the Editorial Board of IJHCS and ACM TiiS. I frequently serve as a Senior PC/Associate Chair for CHI, CSCW,  IUI and FAccT conferences. I also actively organize events (e.g., workshops (opens in new tab)panels (opens in new tab)) that connect the HCI and AI communities.

More information can be found on my personal website (opens in new tab).