Portrait of Guoqing Zheng

Guoqing Zheng

Principal Researcher


I am currently a Principal Researcher in the Language and Information Technologies (opens in new tab) Group at Microsoft Research AI Frontiers. I am broadly interested in machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing and information retrieval. My current research is to push the state-of-the-art for challenging machine learning settings with principled learning algorithms, including LLM post-training, LLM alignment, reasoning, retrieval-augmented learning, learning from feedback and LLM pre-training.

Prior to joining MSR, I received my Ph.D. from the Language Technologies Institute in School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University in 2018, working with Professor Yiming Yang and Professor Jaime Carbonell.

For more details about my research, please refer to the Publications tab and my Google Scholar page (opens in new tab).