Project BlendNet

BlendNet is a low-cost satellite and intelligent edge based technology which delivers digital services and content to last mile underserved users.

With almost half the world’s population still offline (opens in new tab), reliable and affordable access to digital services is a real, global challenge. Two-thirds of world’s school age children have no internet access at home (opens in new tab), reflecting the magnitude of the digital divide, especially in access to educational/skilling content.

To bridge this digital divide, BlendNet offers a low-cost, satellite and intelligent-edge based platform, which delivers digital services and content to last mile users in a hub-and-spoke model. The intelligent edge devices receive encrypted bulk content refreshed via satellite and serve as delivery endpoints for last mile users. Our mobile application/SDK enables end-users to discover, stream and download content to their devices in an offline mode (using local Wi-Fi) without the need for internet.

We have conducted successful research pilots and large-scale field trial across India (opens in new tab) in partnership with SES (opens in new tab), a global satellite leader, and various educational/ entertainment content partners to validate the technology at scale and capture user insights.

BlendNet aims to serve as an open, intelligent & affordable digital distribution platform that can democratize access to digital services across the world.