Microsoft Genomics header with DNA helix strands

Microsoft Genomics

Powering genomic data analysis on Azure

Our mission

The cost of sequencing a human genome has dropped dramatically, from millions of dollars a decade ago, to only a thousand dollars. This has enabled research programs to sequence hundreds of thousands of people, and clinical programs to sequence patients’ genomes as a standard part of their treatment process. This dramatic expansion of genome sequencing also demands a large amount of data storage and computing power, since each genome is 10s to 100s GB in size and requires 100s to 1000s of CPU-hours to process. Our Microsoft Genomics team recognizes the challenges faced by the genomics community and are striving to build an ecosystem (backed by OSS and Microsoft products and services) that can facilitate genomics work for all.

Our focus

We are focusing our efforts into 3 main core areas—expanding a genomics research & discovery platform, enabling rapid automation and analysis at scale, and optimizing compliant and secure turnkey solutions.

Genomics R&D platform

Expanding on Terra’s (opens in new tab) open, modular and interoperable research platform, with the addition of the Microsoft Azure cloud, data and AI technologies, and global capabilities.

Learn about the next generation of the Terra platform > (opens in new tab)

Automation & scale

Workflow management platform to enable rapid prototyping, scaling and automation of pipelines for large scale genomics analysis on Azure.

Learn about Cromwell on Azure > (opens in new tab)

Turnkey solutions

Turnkey genomics variant calling service on Azure that is secure, compliant (ISO certified, HIPAA compliant), and covered under Microsoft BAA.

Learn about Microsoft Genomics on Microsoft Azure > (opens in new tab)

The Microsoft Azure cloud is ideally suited to satisfy this demand, with reliable, secure, global data storage and computation services. The Microsoft Genomics service (opens in new tab) on Microsoft Azure provides an easy-to-use web service for analyzing genomes that is several times faster than the standard genomics pipeline. This service follows the best practices for concordance and accuracy established by the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, the de facto standard for genomic analysis. The speed, accuracy, and simplicity of the Microsoft Genomics service enables a wide range of applications in cancer, rare diseases, population health, and precision medicine.