FarmVibes FarmBeats - image of farm with AI data overlay

Project FarmVibes


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Processing farm data captured by drones or other farm sources

Andrew Nelson launches a drone from the back of a pickup truck

Since connectivity from farm to the cloud is limited, it is difficult to send large amounts of data from the farm to the cloud. A single 15-minute drone flight can generate GBs of data, which are difficult to send to the cloud from the middle of a farm.

Our key insight is that most farmers have a PC. If they don’t, we have a PC form factor device that is loaded with a lot of software that does AI, Computer Vision, and processing on an Edge device in the farm.

FarmVibes - diagram showing edge device data

We have been developing technologies to process large amounts of data in the farm itself – either in the farmer’s house or office, or next to the base stations. The Edge device gets data from sensors, from drones, performs computer vision techniques to stitch drone imagery, and can also run AI at the Edge. We have also developed techniques to intelligently send large amounts of data from the Edge to the Cloud.

Read the paper presented at MobiCom 2021 >

Read the paper presented at NSDI 2017 >

Note: FarmVibes.Edge will be released to GitHub soon.