qTESLA is a collaboration between researchers and engineers at ISARA Corporation, Microsoft Research, Ondokuz Mayis University, Technische Universität Darmstadt, University SãoPaulo and the University of Washington, Tacoma.

qTESLA is a family of efficient post-quantum digital signature schemes, with security based upon the hardness of the decisional Ring Learning With Errors (R-LWE) problem, which in turn relates to hard problems in lattices. qTESLA is the result of a long line of research, beginning with a signature scheme proposed by Bai and Galbraith in 2014, which is based on the Fiat-Shamir construction of Lyubashevsky (2012). This construction was used as the basis for an LWE-based instantiation called TESLA (2017) which then was modified and adapted to the setting of the decisional Ring Learning With Error problem, and finally led to the design of the signature scheme qTESLA.

More information on the design of qTESLA can be found on the qTESLA website (opens in new tab).


Portrait of Sedat Akleylek

Sedat Akleylek

Assistant Professor

Ondokuz Mayis University

Portrait of Erdem Alkim

Erdem Alkim

Ondokuz Mayis University

Portrait of Paulo S. L. M. Barreto

Paulo S. L. M. Barreto

Assistant Professor

University of Washington Tacoma

Portrait of Nina Bindel

Nina Bindel

Postdoctoral Researcher

Technische Universität Darmstadt

Portrait of Johannes Buchmann

Johannes Buchmann


Technische Universität Darmstadt

Portrait of Edward Eaton

Edward Eaton


ISARA Corporation and University of Waterloo

Portrait of Gus Gutoski

Gus Gutoski

Security Researcher

ISARA Corporation

Portrait of Juliane Krämer

Juliane Krämer


Technische Universität Darmstadt

Portrait of Patrick Longa

Patrick Longa

Senior Researcher

Portrait of Harun Polat

Harun Polat


Technische Universität Darmstadt

Portrait of Jefferson E. Ricardini

Jefferson E. Ricardini

Automotive Security Intern

LG Electronics Mobile Research USA

Portrait of Gustavo Zanon

Gustavo Zanon


University of São Paulo