
SurfaceFleet is a system and toolkit that uses resilient and performant distributed programming techniques to explore cross-device user experiences. With appropriate design, these technologies afford mobility of user activity unbounded by device, application, user, and time.

The vision of the project is to enable a future where an ecosystem of technologies seamlessly transition user activity from one place to another, whether that “place” takes the form of a literal location, a different device form-factor, the presence of a collaborator, or the availability of the information needed to complete a particular task.

The goal is a Society of Technologies that fosters meaningful relationships amongst the members of this society, rather than any particular device. This engenders mobility of user activity in a way that takes advantage of recent advances in networking and storage, and that supports consumer trends of multiple device usage and distributed workflows—not the least of which is the massive global shift towards remote work (bridging multiple users, on multiple devices, across local and remote locations).

See the Videos and Publications tabs above for recent demonstrations and papers related to this project.

diagram of multiple screens linked to a main screen