Test Coverage for Network Configurations
- Xieyang Xu ,
- Weixin Deng ,
- Ryan Beckett ,
- Ratul Mahajan ,
- David Walker
Networked Systems Design and Implementation |
Organized by Usenix
We develop NetCov, the first tool to reveal which network configuration lines are tested by a suite of network tests. It helps network engineers improve test suites and thus increase network reliability. A key challenge in developing a tool like NetCov is that many network tests test the data plane instead of testing the configurations (control plane) directly. We must be able to efficiently infer which configuration elements contribute to tested data plane elements, even when such contributions are non-local (on remote devices) or non-deterministic. NetCov uses an information flow graph based model that precisely captures various forms of contributions and a scalable method to infer contributions. Using NetCov, we show that an existing test suite for Internet2, a nation-wide backbone network in the USA, covers only 26% of the configuration lines. The feedback from NetCov makes it easy to define new tests that improve coverage. For Internet2, adding just three such tests covers an additional 17% of the lines.