Contextual Out of domain Utterance Handling with Counterfeit Data Augmentation

  • Sungjin Lee ,
  • Igor Shalyminov

International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 2019 |

Organized by IEEE

Neural dialog models often lack robustness to anomalous user input and produce inappropriate responses which leads to frustrating user experience. Although there are a set of prior approaches to out-of-domain (OOD) utterance detection, they share a few restrictions: they rely on OOD data or multiple sub-domains, and their OOD detection is context-independent which leads to suboptimal performance in dialog. The goal of this paper is to propose a novel OOD detection method that does not require OOD data by utilizing counterfeit OOD turns in the context of a dialog. For the sake of fostering further research, we also release new dialog datasets which are 3 publicly available dialog corpora augmented with OOD turns in a controllable way. Our method outperforms state-of-the-art dialog models equipped with a conventional OOD detection mechanism by a large margin in the presence of OOD utterances.