Fast Dynamic Voronoi Treemaps

  • Danyel Fisher ,
  • Huai-Ping Lee ,
  • Avneesh Sud

Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams |

Published by IEEE

This replaces the previous technical report, MSR-TR-2010-37


Abstract—The Voronoi Treemap is a space-filling treemap technique that relaxes the constraints of rectangular nodes. Its organic shapes maintain a one-to-one aspect ratio, are flexible with their placement, allowing stable zooming and dynamic data values. In this paper, we present algorithms for efficient computation and dynamic update of Voronoi Treemaps. Our GPGPU-based technique allows for rapid computation of centroidal Voronoi Diagrams, providing almost two orders of magnitude speedup over previous work. In addition, we present a hierarchical algorithm for stable updates. Finally, we demonstrate the application of Voronoi treemaps to real-world dynamic datasets, including interactive navigation.

Animated Voronoi Treemaps for Dynamic Data

The Voronoi Treemap is a space-filling treemap technique that relaxes the constraints of rectangular nodes. Its organic shapes can maintain a near one-to-one aspect ratio, are flexible with their placement, allowing stable zooming and dynamic data values. This video demonstrates zooming through a large hierarchy, and of watching a hierarchical data update dynamically.