Fine-tuning large neural language models for biomedical natural language processing
- Rob Tinn ,
- Hao Cheng ,
- Yu Gu ,
- Naoto Usuyama ,
- Xiaodong Liu ,
- Tristan Naumann ,
- Jianfeng Gao ,
- Hoifung Poon
Patterns | , Vol 4(4)
Large neural language models have transformed modern natural language processing (NLP) applications. However, fine-tuning such models for specific tasks remains challenging as model size increases, especially with small labeled datasets, which are common in biomedical NLP. We conduct a systematic study on fine-tuning stability in biomedical NLP. We show that fine-tuning performance may be sensitive to pretraining settings and conduct an exploration of techniques for addressing fine-tuning instability. We show that these techniques can substantially improve fine-tuning performance for low-resource biomedical NLP applications. Specifically, freezing lower layers is helpful for standard BERT-