Interactive relighting with dynamic BRDFs

ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) - Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 | , Vol 26(3)


We present a technique for interactive relighting in which source radiance, viewing direction, and BRDFs can all be changed on the fly. In handling dynamic BRDFs, our method efficiently accounts for the effects of BRDF modification on the reflectance and incident radiance at a surface point. For reflectance, we develop a BRDF tensor representation that can be factorized into adjustable terms for lighting, viewing, and BRDF parameters. For incident radiance, there exists a non-linear relationship between indirect lighting and BRDFs in a scene, which makes linear light transport frameworks such as PRT unsuitable. To overcome this problem, we introduce precomputed transfer tensors (PTTs) which decompose indirect lighting into precomputable components that are each a function of BRDFs in the scene, and can be rapidly combined at run time to correctly determine incident radiance. We additionally describe a method for efficient handling of high-frequency specular reflections by separating them from the BRDF tensor representation and processing them using precomputed visibility information. With relighting based on PTTs, interactive performance with indirect lighting is demonstrated in applications to BRDF animation and material tuning.