Make greenhouse-gas accounting reliable — build interoperable systems

  • ,
  • Leehi Yona ,
  • Christopher B. Field ,
  • Robert B. Jackson ,
  • Katharine J. Mach ,
  • Benjamin W. Cashore ,
  • Cynthia Elliott ,
  • Lauren Gifford ,
  • Colleen Honigsberg ,
  • Lena Klaassen ,
  • H. Damon Matthews ,
  • Andi Peng ,
  • Christian Stoll ,
  • Marian Van Pelt ,
  • Ross A. Virginia ,
  • Lucas Joppa

Nature | , Vol 607

Global integrated reporting is essential if the planet is to achieve net-zero emissions. In March, the United Nations took its first meaningful step to hold investors, businesses, cities and regions accountable for reducing greenhouse-gas emissions, when UN secretary-general António Guterres asked an expert panel to develop standards for ‘net-zero’ pledges by these groups. A challenge now is how to count emissions coherently.