A Reconfigurable Fabric for Accelerating Large-Scale Datacenter Services (IEEE MICRO Top Pick)

  • ,
  • ,
  • Eric Chung ,
  • Derek Chiou ,
  • Kypros Constantinides ,
  • John Demme ,
  • Hadi Esmaeilzadeh ,
  • Jeremy Fowers ,
  • Gopi Prashanth Gopal ,
  • Jan Gray ,
  • Michael Haselman ,
  • Scott Hauck ,
  • Stephen Heil ,
  • Amir Hormati ,
  • Joo-Young Kim ,
  • Sitaram Lanka ,
  • James Larus ,
  • ,
  • Simon Pope ,
  • Aaron Smith ,
  • Jason Thong ,
  • Phillip Yi Xiao ,

IEEE Micro | , Vol 35: pp. 10-22


To advance datacenter capabilities beyond what commodity server designs can provide, the authors designed and built a composable, reconfigurable fabric to accelerate large-scale software services. Each instantiation of the fabric consists of a 6 x 8 2D torus of high-end field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) embedded into a half-rack of 48 servers. The authors deployed the reconfigurable fabric in a bed of 1,632 servers and FPGAs in a production datacenter and successfully used it to accelerate the ranking portion of the Bing Web search engine by nearly a factor of two.

This is the IEEE Micro’s Top Picks version of the original ISCA 2014 paper.