Towards a global IP Anycast service

Published by ACM SIGCOMM


IP anycast, with its innate ability to find nearby resources in a robust and efficient fashion, has long been considered an important means of service discovery. The growth of P2P applications presents appealing new uses for IP anycast. Unfortunately, IP anycast suffers from serious problems: it is very hard to deploy globally, it scales poorly by the number of anycast groups, and it lacks important features like load-balancing. As a result, its use is limited to a few critical infrastructure services such as DNS root servers. The primary contribution of this paper is a new IP anycast architecture, PIAS, that overcomes these problems while largely maintaining the strengths of IP anycast. PIAS makes use of a proxy overlay that advertises IP anycast addresses on behalf of group members and tunnels anycast packets to those members. The paper presents a detailed design of PIAS and evaluates its scalability and efficiency through simulation. We also present preliminary measurement results on anycasted DNS root servers that suggest that IP anycast provides good affinity. Finally, we describe how PIAS supports two important P2P and overlay applications