XGLUE: A New Benchmark Dataset for Cross-lingual Pre-training, Understanding and Generation

EMNLP 2020 |

Published by arXiv preprint


In this paper, we introduce XGLUE, a new benchmark dataset to train large-scale cross-lingual pre-trained models using multilingual and bilingual corpora, and evaluate their performance across a diverse set of cross-lingual tasks. Comparing to GLUE (Wang et al., 2019), which is labeled in English and includes natural language understanding tasks only, XGLUE has three main advantages: (1) it provides two corpora with different sizes for cross-lingual pre-training; (2) it provides 11 diversified tasks that cover both natural language understanding and generation scenarios; (3) for each task, it provides labeled data in multiple languages. We extend a recent cross-lingual pre-trained model Unicoder (Huang et al., 2019) to cover both understanding and generation tasks, which is evaluated on XGLUE as a strong baseline. We also evaluate the base versions (12-layer) of Multilingual BERT, XLM and XLM-R for comparison.

Publication Downloads


May 14, 2021

Unicoder model for understanding and generation.


June 18, 2020

This repository contains information about the cross-lingual evaluation benchmark XGLUE, which is composed of 11 tasks spans 19 languages.


September 28, 2020

CodeXGLUE is a benchmark dataset and open challenge for code intelligence. It includes a collection of code intelligence tasks and a platform for model evaluation and comparison. CodeXGLUE stands for General Language Understanding Evaluation benchmark for CODE. It includes 14 datasets for 10 diversified code intelligence tasks covering these scenarios including code-code, text-code, code-text and text-text.