An index of datasets, SDKs, APIs and other open source code created by Microsoft researchers and shared with the broader academic community. We also maintain a collection highlighting some of the tools you’ll find here.
Microsoft Scalable Fabric
Scalable Fabric is a task management system for the Windows desktop. A central focus area, defined by you, contains windows that behave in the traditional way. When you drag a window into the periphery, it…
Microsoft Audio Watermarking Tool
This tool is based upon the publication: D. Kirovski and H.S. Malvar. Spread Spectrum Watermarking of Audio Signals. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol.51, (no.4), pp.1020–33, 2003. As mentioned in the publication, it displays solid…
SXM: C# Software Transactional Memory
Software Transactional Memory (STM) is an API for multithreaded computation in which shared data is synchronized without using locks. Threads synchronize by means of memory transactions, short-lived computations that either commit (take effect) or abort…
SharpSAT Managed Code Benchmark
SharpSATbench is a CLI managed-code benchmark based on a clause-based satisfiability solver where the logic formula is written in Conjunctive Normal Form. SharpSATbench is compute-intensive, requiring a moderate-sized heap. There are 10,900 lines of code…
Microsoft Research Cambridge Object Recognition Image Database
The Microsoft Research Cambridge Object Recognition Image Database contains a set of images (digital photographs) grouped into categories. Its intended use is research, in particular object recognition research. Last published: May 18, 2005.
MSR NLP Empty Category Rules
The MSR NLP Empty Category Rules package includes a single source file containing G-language functions for computing empty categories on previously deserialized syntax trees formerly represented in the Penn Treebank text format. These rules are…
Microsoft Research Paraphrase Corpus
This download consists of data only: a text file containing 5800 pairs of sentences which have been extracted from news sources on the web, along with human annotations indicating whether each pair captures a paraphrase/semantic…
C# Software Transactional Memory
Software Transactional Memory (STM) is an API for multithreaded computation in which shared data is synchronized without using locks. Threads synchronize by means of memory transactions, short-lived computations that either commit (take effect) or abort…