CHI Lites 2018 – Mary Czerwinski: Technology for health and wellbeing

CHI Lites 2018 – Mary Czerwinski: Technology for health and wellbeing

Mary Czerwinski – Microsoft Research
Technology for health and wellbeing

How can we create technologies to help us reflect on and change our behavior, improving our health and overall wellbeing? Mary Czerwinski will tell us how she and her team develop smartphone apps to reduce stress and depression, workplace tools to help people stay focused and know when it’s time to take a break, and wearable devices to help families manage tense situations with their children. The goal in all this work is to build technologies that adapt to the person using them, so they can maximize their productivity and improve their health.

## About Mary Czerwinski ##

Mary Czerwinski is a Principle Researcher at Microsoft and the Research Manager of the Visualization and Interaction (VIBE) Research Group. Her latest research focuses on technologies that track emotions and deliver interventions, health and wellness for individuals and groups, and task management for information workers. She has a research background in visual attention and multitasking, and holds a Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology from Indiana University in Bloomington. In 2010, Mary was awarded the ACM SIGCHI Lifetime Service Award, was inducted into the CHI Academy, and became an ACM Distinguished Scientist. She received the Distinguished Alumni award from Indiana University’s Brain and Psychological Sciences department in 2014, and became a Fellow of the ACM in 2016.

Connect on Twitter @CHI_Lites and @marycz

## About CHI Lites ##

CHI Lites 2018 was an afternoon of six bite-sized talks on the future of life with technology.

An informal counterpart to the 2018 CHI conference on Human-Computer Interaction, which brought thousands of international researchers to the Palais des Congrès de Montréal, CHI Lites offered an exclusive program featuring six of today’s foremost thinkers on people and technology. It was a chance for the public to gain an insight into emerging research and take away thought-provoking insights.


Mary Czerwinski
Microsoft Research